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William Luther Pierce White Supremacist Leader - Turner Diaries - National Alliance FBI Files

William Luther Pierce
White Supremacist Leader - Turner Diaries - National Alliance
FBI Files

5,204 pages of FBI files covering William Luther Pierce and the National Alliance.

William Pierce was America's most important neo-Nazi for some three decades until his death in 2002. Pierce was the founder and leader of the National Alliance, a white nationalist organization, which he led for almost thirty years. The group's members included terrorists, bank robbers and would-be bombers. Pierce was also the author of the race war novel The Turner Diaries. The book has been called "the bible of the racist right," is known to have drawn many into his movement and was a key inspiration for Timothy McVeigh's 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the 1984 murder of Jewish radio host Alan Berg by The Order.

The FBI files regularly report on Pierce's residences, employment, position in organizations, reporting from informants, summaries of  Pierce's activities and  synopses of the content of  phone message recording made by Pierce for his followers.

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