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World War II: Casualty Branch History & Reporting

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World War II: Casualty Branch History & Reporting

This collection contains 7,026 pages of histories and reporting by the Casualty Branch of the War Department and other studies related to American casualties during World War II.

The collection includes:
Casualty Branch Historical Monograph (1945)

A December 1945, 628-page history produced by the Casualty Branch.

The Casualty Branch was activated on 1 October 1942 and was assigned to the Personnel Division of the Adjutant General's Office. The Branch was charged with the responsibility of notifying the next of kin of casualties occurring to civilians employed by, or under contract of, the War Department outside the United States. 

Table of contents: introduction; history of receipt and processing of casualty reports, including liaison with other branches, offices, arms, and services; history of notification work; history of certification work; history of casualty correspondence; history of identification work; history of status determination work; conclusion; and a list of exhibits.

World War II Casualties: Army and Army Air Forces Personnel (1947)

2,188 pages of accounting of casualties from the states, territories and possessions of the U.S., and foreign countries. This compilation consists of lists of dead or missing Army personnel for each of the forty-eight existing states, the District of Columbia, and Territories and Possessions of the United States. Only those persons who died in a line-of-duty status with the Army or Army Air Forces from May 27, 1941, to January 31, 1946, are listed. 

The lists include the name, serial number, grade, and type of casualty of both battle and non-battle dead and missing. Entries in the list are arranged by name of county and thereunder alphabetically by name of deceased.

The birthplace or residence of the deceased is not indicated. An introduction for each locality at the beginning of the section explains how the list was compiled, a statistical tabulation, and the descriptions of the types of casualties incurred are also included for each of the fifty.

World War II Casualties: Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Personnel (1947)

2,399 pages of accounting of casualties from the states, territories and possessions of the U.S., and foreign countries. Created by the Department of the Navy, Bureau of Naval Personnel, completed on September 18, 1947. These listings record the identifies of personnel on active duty with the United States Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, whose deaths resulted directly from enemy action or from operational activities against the enemy in war zones from December 7, 1941, to the end of World War II. 
Casualties which occurred in the United States, or because of disease, homicide, or suicide anywhere are not included. Entries in the list are arranged into the following sections: Dead (Combat), Dead (Prison Camp), Missing, Wounded and Released Prisoners, and thereunder alphabetically by name. 

The lists include the rank of the decedent, and the name, address, and relationship of next-of-kin. Inclusion of names in this State group has been determined solely by the residence of next of kin at the time of notification of the last wartime casualty status. This listing does not necessarily represent the State of birth, legal residence, or official State credit according to service enlistment.

Army Battle Casualties and Nonbattle Deaths in World War II (1946)

A 1946 report prepared by the Statistical Branch and Accounting Office General of the Adjutant Under Direction of Program and Analysis Review Division Office of the Army.

Abstract: This is the final statistical record of battle casualties and nonbattle deaths incurred during World War II by United States Army military personnel, including members of the Army Air Forces. The period covered is 7 December 1941 through 31 December 1946. Battle casualties are shown in various ways such as: type and disposition; theater; month of occurrence; duty branch; grade in which serving; component; place of occurrence; organization; campaign, and area of residence. Death statistics include classifications by type of death, theater, month of death, duty branch, grade in which serving, type of personnel, and area of residence. 

The Graves Registration Service in World War II (1951)


Shipboard and Ground Troop Casualty Rates among Navy and Marine Corps Personnel during World War II Operations (1990)

Personnel Attrition Rates in Historical Land Combat Operations: An Annotated Bibliography (1993) 

A 1993 report by the U.S. Army Concepts Analysis Agency. An annotated bibliography guide to the literature on personnel casualties and attrition rates in historical land combat operations.

American War and Military Operations Casualties: Lists and Statistics (2015) 

This report provides U.S. war casualty statistics. It includes data tables containing the number of casualties among American military personnel who served in principal wars and combat actions from 1775 to 2015. It also includes data on those wounded in action and information such as race and ethnicity, gender, branch of service, and cause of death. The tables are compiled from various Department of Defense (DOD) sources. 















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