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Vietnam War: Mines & Boobytraps Used by the Viet Cong & N. Vietnam Army in Vietnam Handbook (1967)

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Vietnam War: Mines and Boobytraps Used by the Viet Cong and North Vietnam Army in South Vietnam Handbook (1967)


A 280-page handbook produced by the United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. It contains information on the Vietcong and North Vietnam Army’s techniques used in the deployment of 104 types of mines and boobytraps.

This handbook covers various VC/NVA methods of employing land mines, water mines, explosive boobytraps and non-explosive boobytraps. Sections are included that identify specific U.S., Soviet and Chinese fuses and mines.  Included are basic instructions for detection and neutralization of devices. Disarming procedures emphasize the precautions a soldier must observe when handling mines and boobytraps.

Types of devices covered include US Fuses, Soviet Fuses, VC Firing Devices, US Mines, Soviet Mines, Chicom Mines, VC Mines and Shaped Charges, Chicom Grenades, Soviet Grenades, VC Grenades and VC Boobytraps.





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