Vietnam War: South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia Official History Volumes 3,887 pages,19 volumes, of Vietnam War South Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian commander official history.These nineteen volumes were completed between 1979 and 1981. The authors of the monographs were prominent leaders of the former armed forces of South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia who fled Southeast Asia in 1975. They give an interesting look from "the other side of the hill." These monographs were created under the supervision of General William E. Potts and the staff of the General Research Corporation (GRC) of McLean, Virginia, a private research firm. These officers prepared monographs based on a contract between GRC and the U.S. Army.
The monographs were not edited or altered and reflect the views of their authors, not necessarily those of the U.S. Army or the Department of Defense. In some cases, the authors attempted to present definitive histories of particular areas of interests based on records made available to them. Other times the authors were not attempting to write definitive accounts but attempted to set down how they viewed the war in South-East Asia. There are enough personal commentaries within each of the studies to make them extremely valuable.
The volumes include:
U.S. Adviserby General Cao Van Vien, Lt. Gen. Ngo Quang Truong, Lt. Gen. Dong Van Khuyen, Maj. Gen. Nguyen Duy Hinh, Brig. Gen. Tran Dinh Tho, Col. Hoang Ngoc Lung, and Lt. Col. Chu Xuan Vien
The United States advisory mission in South Vietnam encompassed many fields of endeavor and affected almost every level of the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces. The authors describe a demanding exercise of professional duties and a unique human experience for the American adviser who had not only to struggle with problems of environment and culture differences and face the complexities and hazards of the war, but also devote his time and energy to supplement United States involvement in Vietnam with US Army professionalism. The total effort by US advisers contributed directly and immeasurably to the development and modernization of the Vietnamese Armed Forces. Topics include: the JGS and MACV (Joint General Staff and Military Assistance Command, Vietnam); ARVN battalion to corps and the tactical adviser; the intelligence adviser; the logistic and technical adviser; the pacification adviser; and the training adviser.
The Fall of South Vietnam: Statements by Vietnamese Military and Civilian Leadersby Stephen T. Hosmer; Konrad Kellen; Brian Michael Jenkins
A Report prepared for Historian, Office of the Secretary Of Defense. This report is a summary of extensive oral and written statements by twenty-seven former high-ranking South Vietnamese military officers and civilians on their perceptions of the causes of the collapse of South Vietnam in 1975.
The General Offensives of 1968-69by Colonel Hoang Ngoa Lung
Much has been written about North Vietnam's and communist Vietnam force's 1968 Tet Offensive, a major event in the Vietnam War. However, most publications on this subject, including books and press accounts of the Western world and South Vietnam's own official military history records, focused primarily on the spectacular aspect of battles fought during early 1968.
This monograph analyzes and compares all four periods of offensive activities which lasted well into 1969. Seeking to present the Vietnamese point of view, it assesses North and South strategies, the reactions and combat performance of the RVNAF and Free World Military Assistance Forces, and the impact of the offensive on the conduct of the war with regard to North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and the United States.
Colonel Hoang Ngoa Lung drew heavily on his personal experience and recollections. Interviews with involved principals and a review of documentation also helped his search for credibility of facts and depth of insight. The most valuable data came from the personal files of Lieutenant General William E. Potts.
Pacification by Brig. Gen. Tran Dinh Tho
The U.S. military's definition of pacification was the military, political, economic, and social process of establishing or reestablishing local government responsive to and involving the participation of the people. It included the provision of sustained, credible territorial security, the destruction of the opposition's underground government, the assertion or re-assertion of political control and involvement of the people in government, and the initiation of economic and social activity capable of self-sustenance and expansion. Defined as such, pacification was a broad and complex strategic concept which encompasses many fields of national endeavor. As a program implemented jointly with the U.S. military effort in South Vietnam, pacification appears to have involved every American serviceman and civilian who served there, many of whom indeed participated in conceiving the idea and helping put it to work.
Intelligenceby Col. Hoang Ngoc Lung
The purpose of this monograph is to record all the facts concerning intelligence activities, its organizations and coordination procedures, its successes and failures during the period from 1965 to the final days of the Republic of Vietnam.
The Cambodian Incursionby Brig. Gen. Tran Dinh Tho
This monograph addresses the North Vietnamese use of Cambodian territory and organization for logistic support. There are also sections on planning the combined incursion and early cross-border operations, the combined incursion, cooperation and coordination from 30 April to 30 June 1970, cross-border operations after 30 June 1970, Khmer participation, and observations/lessons learned.
Lam Son 719by Maj. Gen. Nguyen Duy Hinh
This monograph presents a critical analysis of all aspects of LAM SON 719 from the planning stage to the withdrawal from lower Laos. The document highlights the operational environment, planning, offensive, withdrawal phases, and critical analysis.
The Easter Offensive of 1972 by Lt. Gen. Ngo Quang Truong
The Easter Offensive of 1972 was one of North Vietnam's most significant initiatives during the Vietnam War. This all-out effort involved eventually in excess of ten divisions on each side and affected the lives of well over a million South Vietnamese people. During the eight long months of fierce fighting, the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces put Vietnamization to a severe test. Topics include the invasion of Quang Tri, stabilization and counteroffensive, defending Kontum, the siege of An Loc, opposition offensive in the Mekong Delta, and a critical analysis.
Leadershipby General Cao Van Vien
Unlike his counterpart in some countries, the Vietnamese military commander was not simply a leader of men in combat. Depending on the level of command, he had to play his part in national politics, be himself a grass roots politician, or engage in political warfare. To achieve success, he was often expected to possess several qualities not always required of a professional military leader. The requirements of leadership, therefore, sometimes transcended the conventional framework of accepted rules and principles. Chapters include information on leadership under President Diem's regime, leadership during the period of the directorate, and leadership during President Thieu's era.
Strategy and Tacticsby Col. Hoang Ngoc Lung
During the Vietnam War, the Republic of Vietnam and the United States pursued a common goal; their armed forces fought against the same enemy, under the same campaign plan, with the same weapon systems, and in the same environment. The strategic approaches to fighting this war, however, evolved through several stages depending on the opposition's kind of warfare and force structure; so did the tactics designed to counter large-unit and guerrilla activities. This monograph attempts to trace back and evaluate the strategic alternatives at each stage of the war and the evolving tactics employed, with particular emphasis on the period of American withdrawal and reduced support. It details early strategies, strategy during the period of U.S. participation, United States influence on Republic of Vietnam's strategy, the tactics of the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, special U.S. combat techniques, and strategies and tactics of North Vietnam.
Khmer Republic at War and the Final Collapseby Lt. Gen. Sak Sut Sakhan
Cambodia or the Khmer Republic as it was called from 1970 to 1975 was immersed for five years in the conflict known in that region as the Indochina War. This monograph seeks to put these events into better perspective and to make clearer the Khmer point of view. Sections describe information about Cambodia and the communists, the armed forces of the Khmer Republic, the first two years of the war, the politico/military situation in Cambodia (1972-1974), major military operations (1972 through 1974), closing months (January-April 1975), and the final days of the Khmer Republic.
The South Vietnamese Societyby Maj. Gen. Nguyen Duy Hinh and Brig. Gen. Tran Dinh Tho
To evaluate the effect that South Vietnamese society had on the conduct of the war, this monograph seeks to present the Vietnamese point of view on the joint U.S.-RVN efforts to build South Vietnam, the impact of U.S. aid and the American presence on the South Vietnamese society, the most significant social problems that South Vietnam faced during and as a result of the war, and finally the viability of the U.S.-supported regime and its leadership.
Reflections on the Vietnam Warby General Cao Van Vien and Lt. Gen. Dong Van Khuyen
This document addresses nation-building and insurgency from 1954-1963 (concept of defense, organization and training, counterinsurgency strategies and tactics, etc.), Americanization of the war, 1964-1967 (pacification and rural developments, major operations, etc.), Vietnamization 1968-1972 (the 1972 Easter offensive, general mobilization, etc.), and the struggle for survival 1973-1975 (cease-fire and violations, South Vietnam's strategic alternatives, significant lessons learned, etc.).
RVNAF and U.S. Operational Cooperation and Coordinationby Lt. Gen. Ngo Quang Truong
This monograph analyzes the problem areas of operational cooperation and coordination, conceived both as a command and control device to prosecute the common war effort and as a means to improve the combat effectiveness of the RVNAF. It also attempts to evaluate the successes and failures of this combined effort.
RLG Military Operations and Activities in the Laotian Panhandleby Brig. Gen. Soutchay Vongsavanh
This monograph reviews and analyzes Royal Lao government military operations and activities in the Laotian panhandle. Special attention is given to the significance of the panhandle for opposition military operations in South Vietnam and Cambodia, the initiation of conventional warfare in southern Laos, lessons learned during the employment of regular and irregular forces, and developments following the 1973 cease-fire.
The Royal Lao Army and U.S. Amy Advice and Supportby Maj. Gen. Oudone Sananikone
This monograph presents significant events concerning the origins of the Royal Lao Army: the transition from the French system to the American system of military logistics, training, administration and operations; the evolution of United States Army advice and support to include accomplishments and problems; the impact of the 1973 cease-fire; the decline of the Royal Lao Army; and the final days as the communists gained control.
Territorial Forcesby Lt. Gen. Ngo Quang Truong
To evaluate the performance of the Territorial Forces, this monograph seeks to present the Vietnamese point of view on their roles and missions, development, training, employment, and support as they evolved during the war. More emphatically, it also attempts to analyze their problems and to determine if, in their actual condition, the Territorial Forces were effective enough as antithesis to Communist insurgency warfare. Chapters include information on South Vietnam's organization for territorial defense, the regional and popular forces, the para-military forces, RF-PF (Regional and Popular Forces) employment and performance, efforts to improve RF and PF combat effectiveness, and observations.
RVNAF Logisticsby Lt. Gen. Dong Van Khuyen
The monograph discusses logistical organization and operation, logistics improvement programs, supply and maintenance improvement program, support activities and base transfer, logistic support for combat operations, post-cease-fire logistic structure, improving supply and maintenance management, ammunition support, service support (transportation and medical), construction, and financial and budget management.
Vietnam from Cease-Fire to Capitulationby Colonel William E. Le Gro
An examination of significant military developments and social and economic conditions during the last three years of the war. This document is a story of the final Indochina struggle and eventual collapse of the South Vietnamese (Vietnam War timeframe). Chapters include information on U.S. organization for a cease-fire, decline of U.S. support, strategic raids, the last Christmas (Phuoc Long), the final offensive in the north, the last act in the south, and a section on an inevitable defeat