Vietnam War U.S. Navy Junk Blue Book: A Handbook Of Junks Of South VietnamThe 420-page manual titled JUNK BLUE BOOK. A HANDBOOK OF JUNKS OF SOUTH VIETNAM (HAI THUYEN THANH THU. QUYEN SACH VE HAI-THUYEN XU-DUNG TRONG MIEN NAM VIETNAM) (1962)
Abstract: The Junk Blue Book is a compilation of processed field data collected on South Vietnamese junks. It is believed to be the first document of its type prepared since 1949 when Voiliers d'Indochine was published in Saigon. That book has become largely obsolete because of the sweeping changes that have occurred in the Vietnamese maritime scene since the end of World War II. A large part of the 800 miles of coastline has wide smooth beaches and most Vietnamese junks are easily beached. A junk can sail from the 17th parallel to any place on the coast of South Vietnam in a few days and can easily travel from some remote point on the coast of the Mekong Delta to the coastal plains, farther north carrying food or troops. The military significance of these facts is obvious, and a number of enemy junks have been captured. One of these had made a total of 17 round trips across the 17th parallel in a period of 24 months, carrying enemy agents and documents. However, the number of captures is still far less than the enemy's capability. Therefore, it can be said with considerable assurance that there are many enemy junks operating in South Vietnam waters which are not captured.