President John F. Kennedy Papers Archive USB Drive
77,316 pages of John F. Kennedy and Kennedy Administration papers in 15 document collections from BACM Research.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963), was elected to be the 35th president of the United States on November 8, 1960, and sworn into office on January 20, 1961. John F. Kennedy was the youngest elected man to the office. On November 22, 1963, on his 1,036th day as president, he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, also becoming the youngest President to die.
The President John F. Kennedy Papers Archive USB Drive works with any device with a USB 2.0, 3.0 or 3.1 interface. The Pen card chip is housed in a metal body that is waterproof, shock-proof, temperature-proof, magnet-proof, and X-ray-proof.
This collection includes as a finding aid, a unified full-text index of all computer recognizable text in all documents in this collection, making it possible to quickly search all computer recognizable text across all pages of all collections in one search.
The collections include:
John F Kennedy - Jacqueline Kennedy Historical Files White House Files FBI Secret Service and more - A collection of 7,379 pages of John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis historical material.
This collection contains images of documents, text, photos and audio from the FBI, Secret Service, CIA, National Security Agency, National Archive and Records Administration, State Department, Assassination Records Review Board, Warren Commission, Dallas Police Department, House Select Committee on Assassinations, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, and the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library.
The major sections in the collection are:
JFK Personal Papers
USS PT-109 Documents
JFK Campaign Papers
JFK Personal Secretary Miscellaneous Files
Kennedy Family Genealogy
Audio Recordings
FBI Files - Official & Confidential Files
Assorted FBI and Assassination Records Collected by the Assassination Records Review Board
Secret Service Files
JFK Foreign Relations Papers
Kennedy/Khrushchev Correspondences
National Security Agency Assassination Files
Assassination Records Review Board Final Report
Warren Commission Report
Warren Commission Exhibits
House Select Committee on Assassinations Report
Final NARA - ARRB Forensic Report on the Further Scientific Examination of the Jfk Assassination Evidence
President John F. Kennedy: Secret White House Recordings - One-hundred and two hours of President Kennedy White House recordings. These recordings date from July 30, 1962, to November 7, 1963.
John F. Kennedy was the first president to extensively record his meetings and telephone conversations. The recordings consist of Meeting Recordings, mainly of meetings in the Cabinet Room and Oval Office, and Dictabelts, mainly of telephone conversations. The first items from the presidential recordings were opened to public research in June of 1983. The Library staff has reviewed and opened all of the telephone conversations and a large portion of the meeting tapes. The latter are predominantly meetings with President Kennedy in either the Oval Office or the Cabinet Room. The tapes represent raw historical material.
Among the many individuals heard on the recordings are President John F. Kennedy, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Vice-President Lyndon Johnson, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Director of CIA John McCone, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff General Maxwell Taylor, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs McGeorge Bundy, Undersecretary of State George Ball, Lt. General James H. Doolittle, Adlai Stevenson, General Curtis LeMay, Evelyn Lincoln, Theodore Sorensen, Edward R. Murrow, Clark Clifford, Arthur Schlesinger, Admiral George W. Anderson, Under Secretary of the Treasury Henry H. Fowler, Director State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research Roger Hillsman, Senator Everett M. Dirksen, Senator J. William Fulbright, Senator Hubert Humphrey, Senator Richard Russell, Secretary of Treasury Douglas Dillon, Chairman Federal Reserve System Board of Governors William Martin, Richard Helms, General Douglas MacArthur, and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
John F. Kennedy 1960 Presidential Election Campaign: Richard Nixon Opposition Research Papers - 1,515 pages of open-source research on Richard Nixon and documents demonstrating its use, compiled by the Kennedy campaign and its surrogates.
The material collected in this research set includes files created or received by the Kennedy campaign derived from many sources including the Congressional Record, Nixon speeches, media clippings and transcripts, and campaign materials. The material includes correspondence, memoranda, publications, press releases, documents regarding Vice President Richard M. Nixon’s campaign strategy and suggestions for defeating him in the 1960 presidential campaign.
President John F. Kennedy: Administration Foreign Relations Documents 1961-1963 - 38,415 pages of transcripts, annotations, and editorial notes of Kennedy Administration foreign relations documents in 27 volumes of the State Department's Foreign Relations of the United States, the official record of the foreign policy of the United States.
Subjects cover events and issues world-wide. Major subjects include Vietnam, Soviet Union, Kennedy-Khrushchev relations, arms control and disarmament cooperation and agreements, national security policy, foreign economic policy, Cuba, Cuban Missile Crisis, Berlin Crisis, and the Congo.
President John F. Kennedy: CIA Daily Briefings - 5,550 pages of President’s Intelligence Checklists (PICLs) prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for President Kennedy.
These documents were written specifically for the president; they summarize the day-to-day intelligence and analysis on current and future national security issues.
President John F. Kennedy: November 22-25, 1963: Documents, Interviews, Audio Recordings, and Films - 1,843 pages of documents, 966 minutes of audio, 1 hour and 35 minutes of video, and 35 photos related to President John F. Kennedy's November 1963 trip to Texas, his assassination and funeral.
Material from the National Archives and Records Administration and the John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson presidential libraries. Includes recordings of interviews of Dan Rather, Walter Cronkite, and Lady Bird Johnson.
President John F. Kennedy: Public Papers 1961-1963 - 3,224 pages of President John F. Kennedy public papers, in three volumes, 1961 to 1963.
Contains published full texts of President John F. Kennedy speeches, messages, press conferences and statements from January 20, 1961, to November 22, 1963. Also included are two addresses which President Kennedy planned to give on November 22, 1963, but were never delivered.
JFK Assassination: Attempt by Richard Paul Pavlick Secret Service and FBI Files - 905 pages of Secret Service files, FBI files, and newspaper articles covering Richard Paul Pavlick and his December 10, 1960, attempt to assassinate President-elect John F. Kennedy in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Richard P. Pavlick was born in Boston Massachusetts on February 13, 1887, and educated in Boston Public Schools. He served in the Army during World War I. After the war he went to work for the Post Office in Boston. After retiring in the 1950's he moved to Belmont, New Hampshire. In his new hometown he became known for his public complaints regarding the American flag not being displayed properly, the government, Catholics, and the Kennedy family and their wealth.
JFK Assassination: Warren Commission & Secret Service Presidential Protection Activity Reports - This collection has 1,482 pages of documents.
This series of documents consists of reports, memorandums, and correspondence from the Warren Commission, related to Secret Service activities pertaining to presidential protection in general and specific to that of President John F. Kennedy.
One set of records consists of Secret Service documents, including "Principles of Protection of the President and Other Dignitaries," a manual of the Secret Service School dated January 4, 1954; a report on "Parade Routes," dated July 10, 1964, by the Dallas Office of the Secret Service concerning the most commonly used parade routes in Dallas (Commission Document (CD) 1499); and "Report of the U.S. Secret Service on the Assassination of President Kennedy," dated December 18, 1963, in two volumes.
Eisenhower - John F. Kennedy Correspondences - Contact Documents - 153 pages of documents dealing with the relationship between Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy. The files date from March 1960 to September 1963.
Earlier material mainly concerns briefings and meetings between then Senator and President-Elect Kennedy and President Eisenhower. Topics include North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) nuclear sharing, Laos, the Congo, Algeria, disarmament, nuclear test suspension negotiations, Cuba and Latin America, United States balance of payments and the gold outflow, and the need for a balanced budget. Personal messages and congratulations are found throughout.
Bay of Pigs CIA - NSC - State Department Files - 2,200 pages of CIA, National Security Council, and Department of State files covering the Bay of Pigs. In 1961 a covert operation codenamed "Operation Zapata" called for 1,500 Cuban exiles to land on the southwestern coast of Cuba, mostly at the Bay of Pigs (Bahia de los Cochinos).
Bay of Pigs CIA Official History of the Bay of Pigs Operation - This collection includes 6,210 pages of CIA official history and closely related JFK Presidential, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Department of State compiled history.
Berlin Crisis (1958-1963) U.S. State Dept Secret History & Documents Transcripts - 5,219 pages of the State Department's formerly secret history of the Berlin Crisis and Department of State transcripts of documents related to the Berlin Crisis.
Cuban Missile Crisis Presidential - CIA - NSA - NSC - State Dept Files - Audio Recordings - 3,884 pages of files and 1 hour and 27 minutes of audio recordings covering the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Cuban Missile Crisis: Robert F. Kennedy Papers - 3,584 pages of documents produced or accumulated by United States Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, while acting in his role as an advisor to President John F. Kennedy concerning the Cuban Missile Crisis. These documents were declassified through the National Archives and Records Administration’s National Declassification Center and made available to the public on October 11, 2012.
To see collections related to the November 22, 1963, assassination of President Kennedy, go to:
JFK Assassination Document Archive Collection USB Card