Civil War: Confederate Field Manuals 12,553 pages of field manuals printed in the Confederate States and used during the Civil War by Confederate forces.
70 volumes of text covering military tactics, logistics, regulations, ordinance, medicine, adjudication, and other topics related to raising and maintaining a fighting force.
These volumes were printed in the South during the Civil War.
The volumes include:
Rifle and Infantry Tactics, Revised and Improved Second Edition Volume 1 (1861)Volume 1 - Schools of the Soldier and Company Instruction for Skirmishers, by Col. W,J. Hardee Confederate States Army.
The Hand-book of Artillery (1861)From the Preface: "The following compilation originated in an attempt to adapt Lieut. Col. Burns' 'Questions and Answers on Artillery' to the United States service. The British Artillery being very different from ours, it was found necessary to omit many of Burns' questions, and to introduce others."
Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States (1862)Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States by William Gilham, Colonel of Volunteers, Instructor of Tactics and Commandant of Cadets, Virginia Military Institute.
Regulations of the Army of the Confederate States Full title: Regulations of the Army of the Confederate States, 1862, Containing a Complete Set of Forms for Quartermaster's, Subsistence, Ordinance, and Medical Departments of The Army; Articles of War; Forms Also For General, Regimental and Garrison Courts Martial. Published By Authority Of Gen. P.O. Herbert... By Major W.T. Mechling.. (1862)
The Duties of a Judge Advocate, in a Trial Before a General Court-martial, Comp from Various Works on Military Law (1864)Compiled by Captain R. C. Gilchrist, acting Judge Advocate General, Department South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.
A Manual of Military Surgery (1862)A Manual of Military Surgery, for the Use of Surgeons in the Confederate States Army; With an Appendix of the Rules and Regulations of the Medical Department of the Confederate States Army (1862)
Instruction for Heavy Artillery (1861)Instruction Heavy Artillery; Prepared By a Board of Officers, For the Use of the Army of the United States
Guide for Claimants of Deceased Soldiers (1864)Full title: Guide For Claimants of Deceased Soldiers; Being Instructions to Army Officers and to Claimants, With a Collation of the Laws of Congress and the Orders from the War Department, and the Rules of Practice in the Offices of the Second Auditor and Comptroller of the Treasury Concerning the Settlement of the Claims of Deceased Officers and Soldiers (1864)
Laws for the Army and Navy of the Confederate States (1861)Laws Enacted by the Provisional Congress and Approved from Feb. 9 to Sept. 3, 1861
Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States, 1864 (1864)Full title: Regulation For The Army Of The Confederate States, 1864.
Revised And Enlarged With A New And Copious Index. Third And Only Reliable Edition, In Which Are Corrected Over 3,000 Important Errors Contained In The Editions Published By West & Johnston.
From the introduction: The following Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States are published by direction of the President, for the government of all concerned. They will accordingly be strictly obeyed, and nothing contrary to them will be enjoined or permitted in any portion of the forces of the Confederate States by the officers thereof. James Seddon, Secretary of War.
A Manual of Military Surgery (Third Edition)Full Title: A Manual of Military Surgery, For the Use of Surgeons in the Confederate States Army; With Explanatory Plates of All Useful Operations (1864)
Published in 1864 in Columbia, South Carolina
The Volunteer's Hand Book Full title: The Volunteer's Hand Book: Containing an Abridgement of Hardee's Infantry Tactics, Adapted to the Use of the Percussion Musket in Squad and Company Exercises, Manual of Arms for Riflemen. And United States Army Regulations as to Parades, Reviews, Inspections, Guardmounting, &c (1861)
Notes on Artillery: from Robins, Hutton, Chesney, Mordecai, Dahlgreen, Jacob, Greener, Gibbon, and Benton (1862)From the preface: The writer, having had access to several interesting works on the subject of artillery that are now very difficult to obtain, has concluded to publish these "Notes," hurriedly written, as they have been, in a few spare days. He does so with the hope that they may interest and instruct his fellow-comrades in arms, especially those who have lately entered this arm of the service, and may in some remote degree aid the great cause so dear to his heart.
A Digest of the Military and Naval Laws of the Confederate States (1864)A digest of the military and naval laws of the Confederate States, from the commencement of the Provisional Congress to the end of the First Congress under the permanent Constitution (1864)
Regulations for General Hindman's Division, in Camp (1863)Headquarters Hindman's Division, McFarland's Spring, Sept. 4, 1863. General Orders, No. 8. By command of Major-General Thomas Carmichael Hindman, with J.P. Wilson, A.A. General. Published by Parrish & Willingham.
Some of the other titles include:
Cooper's Cavalry Tactics, For the Use of Volunteers: To Which is Added, A Manual for Colt's Revolver (1861)
Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States (1863)
Regulations for the Navy of the Confederate States (1862)
Regulations for the Medical Department of the Confederate States Army (1861)
Regulations of the Ordnance Department of the Confederate States, for the Use of Troops in the Field (1861)
Regulations for the Subsistence Department of the Confederate States of America (1861)
Additional Rules For the Laboratories of C. S. Arsenals and Ordnance Depots (1863)
The School of the Guides, For the Use of the Army of the Confederate States, With Questions. Twenty-Eight Illustrations (1862)
Abstract of the Virginia Militia Law, Relative to the Assessment and Collection of Fines, Allowance and Payment of Claims, and the Powers, &C. of Battalion and Regimental Courts (1861)
Regulations for the Commissary's Department of the State of Virginia (1861)
The Confederate soldiers' Pocket Manual of Devotions
Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, For the Exercise and Maneuvers of Troops When Acting As Light Infantry or Riflemen; (1861)
The Quartermaster's Guide: Being a Compilation from the Army Regulations and Other Sources (1862)
Special Instructions to Surgeons (1863)
The Ordnance Manual for the Use of officers of the United States Army Second Edition (1861)
Cavalry Drill and Sabre Exercise (1862)
Instructions for Field Artillery; Compiled From Standard Military Authority; Embracing Schools of the Piece, Battery, And Battalion or Evolutions of Batteries; With An Instructive Appendix (1864)
Summary of the Course of Permanent Fortification and of the Attack and Defence of Permanent Works, for the Use of the Cadets of the U.S. Military Academy (1862)
Skirmish Drill for Mounted Troops (1861)
Volunteers' Camp and Field Book. Containing Useful and General Information on the Art and Science of War (1862)
The Trooper's Manual, or, Tactics for Light Dragoons and Mounted Riflemen (1862)
Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers and Militia of the State Of Texas: Taken From Gilham's Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers and Militia of the United States (1861)
Treatise on Field Fortification, Containing Instructions on the Methods of Laying Out, Constructing, Defending, and Attacking Intrenchments; With The General Outlines Also Of The Arrangement, The Attack And Defence Of Permanent Fortifications (1862)
A Manual of Infantry and Rifle Tactics, With Honors Paid By the Troops, Inspections, Reviews, &C (1861)
Instruction for Field Artillery, Extracted from Gilham's Manual for Volunteers and Militia (1862)
A Revised System of Cavalry Tactics, For the Use of the Cavalry and Mounted Infantry, C. S. A. (1863)
Infantry Tactics, or, Rules for the Exercise and Manoeuvres of the Confederate States Infantry in the Evolutions of the Line (1862)
A Digest of the Military And Naval Laws of the Confederate States, from the Commencement of the Provisional Congress to the end of the First Congress Under the Permanent Constitution (1864)
Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics (1861)
The Field Manual for the Use of the Officers on Ordnance Duty (1862)
The Soldiers' Pocket Bible. Issued For the use of the Army of Oliver Cromwell, A. D. 1643 (1860)
Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States: with a full index (1864)
Manual of Military Reconnaissances, Temporary Fortification and Partisan Warfare, For Officers of Infantry and Cavalry(1862)
General LeLouterel's Work, (4th edition, Paris, 1850), of which this is, in the main, a translation.
The Spirit of Military Institutions (1864)
The Officer's Manual. Napoleon's Maxims of War (1862)
A Manual of Military Surgery, Or, Hints on the Emergencies of Field, Camp And Hospital Practice
The Army and Navy Prayer
Andrews' Mounted Artillery Drill (1863)