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Abraham Lincoln - Civil War Era U.S. Foreign Policy and Diplomatic Papers Transcriptions - Download

Abraham Lincoln - Civil War Era United States Foreign Policy and Diplomatic Papers Transcriptions and Histories

16,553 pages of Foreign Policy and Diplomatic Papers Transcriptions and Histories.


16,303 pages of text transcriptions of diplomatic papers compiled and published by the Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs
United States Department of State, from 1861 to 1865.

The material covers a broad range of diplomatic activity world-wide. The American Civil War heavy dominated American foreign policy during this period.

The objectives of President Lincoln’s foreign policy focused on preventing foreign nations from recognizing the Confederacy, minimalizing foreign influence on the war, enforcing the blockade of the Confederacy, interfering with the Southern cotton trade, the Trent Affair, handling the inability to maintain the Monroe Doctrine, dealing with the invasion of the Dominican Republic by Spain and France's establishment of a puppet regime in Mexico.

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