Korean War Field Manuals, Technical Manuals and Other Field Doctrine Manuals28,207 pages of Korean War field manuals. The manuals date from 1949 to 1955. Some of the material was not officially declassified until February of 2004.
Highlights among the 125 manuals include:
FM 23-5 U.S. Rifle Caliber .30, M1
This field Manual states, "The purpose of this manual is to teach you how to fire your rifle correctly and how to take care of it, both in the field and in garrison. By mastering the material in this manual, you can help yourself to become a good rifleman and a better member of your team-the rifle squad. The rifle is the basic weapon of the United States Army. Although you use it to shoot at a bull's eye today, your target tomorrow may be the enemy. For that reason there is no part of shooting that is about right. In combat, you either HIT or you MISS, and your own life as well as the lives of other men of your unit may depend on your skill as a rifleman."
FM 23-35 Pistols and Revolvers
This Manual covers the Automatic Pistol, caliber .45 M1911, Automatic Pistol, caliber .45 M19111, The Colt revolver, caliber.38, 2-Inch barrel, Detective Special, The Smith and Wesson revolver, caliber .45, M1917, and the Colt revolver, caliber .45, M1917. Topics covered include: disassembling and assembling, care and cleaning, functioning, spare parts and accessories, ammunition, individual safety precautions, malfunctions and stoppages, mechanical training, preparatory training, qualification firing, and marksmanship.
FM 30-5 Combat Intelligence
This manual sets forth the intelligence functions, the operations involved in the collection and processing of information, and the production and use of combat intelligence by divisions and lower units in combat. It contains the basic military intelligence doctrine at these echelons for intelligence personnel of tactical units, and was the primary reference for all commanders at these echelons. It was the basic manual upon which branch intelligence manuals were based. This manual contains samples of forms used by the intelligence officer to aid him in the production of intelligence, and forms and examples of the intelligence estimates, reports, plans, and studies for which the intelligence officer is responsible.
Topic covered include: Tactical units, Production of Combat Intelligence, Collection-Sources and Agencies, Sources of information, Information collecting agencies, Processing Information, Use of Intelligence, Employment by G-2, Dissemination, Direction of the Collection Effort, Reconnaissance, Ground reconnaissance, Counterreconnaissance, Air reconnaissance, Exploitation of Sources, Enemy order of battle, Counterintelligence operations, Counterintelligence procedures, Communication Intelligence and Communication Security, Communication intelligence, Communication security, Intelligence planning methods, and Planning for special operations.
FM 72-20 Jungle Operations
This field manual describes the difficulties of military operations in a jungle and explains how they may be overcome. It describes how military units may most easily navigate a jungle, and is designed to amplify accepted tactical doctrine and techniques when applied to jungle operations. It tells how to solve the problems of supply and establishes the methods that must be practiced for individual and group survival. Topics include: Effect of jungle on operations, Factors influencing jungle tactics, Troop movements and marches, Offensive combat, Defensive combat, Retrograde movements, and Practical hints for jungle living.
FM 6-20 Artillery Tactics and Technique
This field manual is a guide for artillery officers and artillery commanders and their staffs and commanders of other combat arms at echelons above battalion. It is principally concerned with the tactical employment of artillery in the combat zone. It covers organization, command, and tactical control of artillery. It includes a discussion of the techniques involved in target acquisition, artillery fire planning, and the direction of artillery fires. It includes a general discussion of the principles, organization, and techniques of fire support coordination with particular emphasis given to artillery aspects. The employment of artillery in airborne, amphibious, and other special operations are covered.
FM 6-140 The Field Artillery Battery
This field manual is a guide for unit commanders and section leaders in the tactics and technique of the employment of the field artillery observation battalion and batteries. The manual covers the organization, duties of personnel, training, and tactical employment of the field artillery observation battalion and batteries. It also covers techniques involved in sound, flash, and radar ranging; and survey and meteorological operations.
FM 7-10 Rifle Company Infantry Regiment
This field manual is a guide to the tactical employment of the rifle company and its elements. It covers organization, weapons, individual duties, movement to contact, offensive action, defensive action, retrograde movements, operations under special terrain conditions, supply evacuation, maintenance, and communication.
FM 10-63 Handling of Deceased Personnel in Theaters of Operations
This field manual provides technical assistance to personnel of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force engaged in graves registration service activities in theaters of operations and is a guide in the search, recovery, and evacuation of deceased personnel; location and layout of temporary cemeteries; identification and burial of the dead; and preparation of reports and records.
FM 19-5 Military Police
The purpose of this field manual was to furnish a basic guide for military police in the performance of their duties. This manual covers the mission and organization of military police units; the appearance, conduct, duties, authority, jurisdiction, and training of military police; and the methods and techniques to be used by military police in discharging their duties in an efficient and creditable manner.
FM 19-40 Handling Prisoners of War
The purpose of this field manual was to serve as an operational guide for military police and other officers and enlisted men in active theaters of operations in handling, processing, interning, and utilizing for labor purposes enemy prisoners of war. This field manual covers pertinent aspects of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 that pertain to the treatment of prisoners of war. It covers operations of capturing troops; collection; interrogation; evacuation; handling prisoners of war in division, corps, army, and communications zone areas; disciplinary measures; utilization of prisoner-of-war labor; and operations and functions of the military police prisoner-of-war processing company and the military police guard company.
AM-5 United States Marine Corps Amphibious Manual - The Regimental Combat Team
The purpose of this manual is to present the practical aspects of the employment of a regimental combat team in an amphibious operation. Herein are presented the planning, embarkation, and landing and assault phases of an amphibious operation at the RCT level. The principles of employment of combat, combat support, and combat service support elements in an amphibious operation are described herein only as they apply directly to the accomplishment of the RCT mission.
Manuals in the collection include:
Dictionary of United States Military Terms for Joint Usage (First Revision)
FM 5-5 ( Engineer Troop Units )
FM 5-132 ( Engineer Combat Battalion Divisional )
FM 5-134 ( The Armored Engineer Battalion )
FM 6-40 Field Artillery Gunnery.
FM 6-10 ( Field Artillery Communications )
FM 6-20 ( Artillery Tactics and Technique )
FM 6-55 ( 4.5-inch Multiple Rocket Launcher M21, Towed )
FM 6-74 ( 105-mm Howitzer M2A1 on Motor Carriage M7B1 and M7B2 )
FM 6-75 ( 105mm Howitzer M2 Series Towed )
FM 6-140 ( The Field Artillery Battery )
FM 7-10 ( Rifle Company Infantry Regiment )
FM 7-17 ( The Armored Infantry Company and Battalion )
FM 7-24 ( Communication in Infantry and Airborne Divisions )
FM 7-25 ( Headquarters Company Infantry Regiment )
FM 7-30 ( Service and Medical Companies Infantry Regiment )
FM 7-40 ( Infantry Regiment )
FM 8-10 ( Medical Service Theater of Operations )
FM 9-10 ( Ordnance Maintenance and General Supply in the Field )
FM 10-7 ( Quartermaster Organization and Operation in Divisions )
FM 10-11 ( Quartermaster Pack Company )
FM 10-12 ( Quartermaster Parts Company )
FM 10-13 ( Quartermaster Reference Data )
FM 10-14 ( Quartermaster Bakery Company Mobile )
FM 10-15 (Quartermaster Quartermaster Sales Company, Mobile)
FM 10-16 ( Quartermaster Laundry Company Semimobile )
FM 10-17 ( Quartermaster Organization and Service in Army and Corps )
FM 10-22 ( Quartermaster Clothing and General Supplies Depot Company (TO&E 10))
FM 10-30 ( Quartermaster Subsistence Depot Company )FM 10-53 ( Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment Quartermaster Battalion )
FM 10-63 ( Handling of Deceased Personnel in Theaters of Operations )
FM 11-40 ( Signal Photography )
FM 16-5 ( The Chaplain )
FM 17-33 ( Tank Battalion )
FM 17-34 ( Amphibious Tank and Tractor Battalions )
FM 17-35 ( Reconnaissance Battalion Armored Division )
FM 19-5 ( Military Police )
FM 19-10 ( Military Police Operations )
FM 19-15 ( Civil Disturbances )
FM 19-25 ( Military Police Traffic Control )
FM 19-40 ( Handling Prisoners of War )
FM 19-90 ( The Provost Marshal )
FM 20-100 ( Army Aviation )
FM 21-5 ( Military Training )
FM 21-10 ( Military Sanitation )
FM 21-11 ( First Aid for Soldiers )
FM 21-18 ( Foot Marches )
FM 21-20 ( Physical Training )
FM 21-22 ( Survival at Sea )
FM 21-30 ( Military Symbols )
FM 22-5 ( Drill and Ceremonies ) 6-3-1950
FM 22-5 ( Drill and Ceremonies ) 6-30-1953
FM 22-10 ( Leadership )
FM 22-100 ( Command and Leadership for the Small Unit Leader )
FM 23-5 ( U.S. Rifle Caliber .30, M1 ) 9-1-1958
FM 23-5 ( U.S. Rifle Caliber .30, M1 ) 10-2-1951
FM 23-35 ( Pistols and Revolvers )
FM 25-10 ( Motor Transportation, Operation )
FM 26-5 ( Interior Guard Duty )
FM 30-5 ( Combat Intelligence )
FM 30-16 Technical Intelligence26 August 1955
FM 30-28 ( Armed Forces Censorship (Army) )
FM 30-102 ( Handbook on Aggressor Military Forces ) 3-21-1951
FM 30-102 ( Handbook on Aggressor Military Forces ) 8-7-1950
FM 30-102 ( Handbook on Aggressor Military Forces ) 9-23-1955
FM 31-8 ( Medical Service in Joint Overseas Operations )
FM 33-5 Psychological Warfare Operations
FM 41-15 ( Civil Affairs Military Government Units )
FM 44-1 ( Antiaircraft Artillery Employment )
FM 44-2 ( Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons )
FM 45-25, OPNAV Instruction 5530.5, AFM 190-5 ( Field Press Censorship )
FM 55-7 ( Transportation Service in the Continental United States )
FM 55-26 ( Transportation Inland Waterways Service )
FM 55-30 ( Motor Transportation Operations )
FM 55-130 ( The Harbor Craft )
FM 57-30 ( Airborne Operations )
FM 60-5 ( Amphibious Operations Battalion in Assault Landings )
FM 60-10 ( Amphibious Operations: Regiment in Assault Landings )
FM 72-20 ( Jungle Operations )
FM 100-5 ( Field Service Regulations Operations )
FM 100-10 ( Field Service Regulations, Administration ) 10-21-1954
FM 100-10 ( Field Service Regulations, Administration ) 9-12-1949
FM 101-54 ( Department of the Army Program Management )
TM 5-231 Mapping Functions of the Corps of Engineers
TM 5-240 A Guide to the Compilation and Revision of Maps
TM 5-1013 Grader, Road, Motorized, Diesel Driven, Tandem-Drive 12-Foot Moldboard Warco Model 4D-100
TM 5-1067 (Roller,Road,Towed Type, Sheepsfoot, 2 and 3 Drums in Line, American Steel Works Models MT-144, MD-96, and MD-120)
TM 5-1094 TO 19-40AAD-9 Scraper, Road, Towed Type, Cable Operated, 8 cu. yd.. Southwest Model S-90
TM 5-4053 TO19-75AJ-103 Tractor Saw Power Unit Wheelbarrow Type, Two-Wheel PPneumatic Tires, Gasoline Driven
TM 5-5031 Generator Set Electric, Portable Gasoline-Driven Skid-Mounted Liquid-Colled 5-KW, 120 Volts 2-Wire, Direct Current Hollingsworth Mode
TM 5-5164 Engine Gasoline Waukesha Model 6-SRKR
TM 5-5167 Engine, Gasoline, Hercules Models JXC and JXD
TM 5-5193 Engine Heavy Duty Air Cooled Wisconsin Models VE4, VF4 Instruction Book and Parts List
TM 5-5211 Engine, Diesel, Two-Cycle, General Motors Model 6-110 (623O0RA)
TM 5-9207 TO 19-75AB-44 Trailer, Full, Lowbed, 60-ton, Dorsey Model MT-60W
TM 5-9219 Pump, Centrifugal, for Petroleum Pipeline, Direct Connected Gasoline-Driven, Skid-Mounted, 4-Stage, Horizontally Split, 3-Inch, 250-Lb
TM 8-226 Dental laboratory Technicians
TM 8-227 - AFM 160-14 Methods for Medical Laboratory Technicians
TM 8-230 Medical and Surgical Technician
TM 8-233 AFM-160-18 Handbookfor Pharmacy Technicians
TM 8-233 Construction Surveying
TM 8-273 Professional Manual for Nursing Service
TM 8-292 - AFM 160-16 Physical Reconditioning
TM 9-722 ( Tank-Mounting Bulldozer M2 )
TM 9-723 ( Tank-Mounting Bulldozer M3 )
TM 9-729 ( Light Tank M24 )
TM 9-850 ( Abrasive, Cleaning, Preserving, Sealing, Adhesive, and Related Materials Issued for Ordnance Materiel )
TM 9-1580 TO 38-1-1 Ordnance Maintenance: Binoculars M3, M7, M8, M9, M13, M13A1, M15, M15A1, M16, M17 And M17A1 And BC Telescope M65 )
TM 9-1730A ( Continental 6-Cylinder Engine Model AOS-895-3 )
TM 11-664 to 15-1 -356 Theory and Use of Electronic Test Equipment
TM 11-666 Antennas and Radio Propagation
TM 11-5030A TO 16-35TS497-7 Signal Generator TS-497BURR
TO & E 7-11 Infantry regiment
TO & E 7-151952 Infantry Battalion
TO & E7N Infantiv Division
AM-5 United States Marine Corps Amphibious Manual - The Regimental Combat Team
Landing Party Manual - United States Navy 1950
LFM-18 Troop Life and Training Aboard Ship
MCM-1951 Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1951
ST 31-20-1 Operations Against Guerrilla Forces
ST 33-10-1 Military Propaganda
ST 33-15-1, Psychological Warfare Operations in Occupied and liberated Areas
ST 33-20-1 Psychological Warfare Field Operations
ST41-10-1 Military Government Operations