President Clinton and Prime Minister Blair: Transcripts of Telephone and in Person Conversations (1997 - 2000)532 pages of transcripts of telephone conversations and discussions during face to face meetings between United States President Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Ninety-four meetings and phone calls taking place from May 1, 1997 to December 13, 2000.
The conversations demonstrate the close personal relationship between the two world leaders. The first takes place within hours of the election of Blair in 1997.
The conversations often begin informally, then move on to foreign policy matters such as Iraq, Kosovo, and Northern Ireland.
At times lighthearted and other times deeply serious, such as when Clinton reveals his deep fears about sending American troops into battle. Clinton mentions how the U.S. involvement in Somalia early in his first term had a lasting effect on him after Americans were killed. Clinton told Blair, "This was the lowest point of my presidency. It was a g*******d nightmare. I felt personally responsible for that kid's body being dragged through the streets."
The two later discussed another mishap during an American intervention. The accidental bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade by NATO planes in May 1999, during the intervention to resolve the Kosovo issue. Clinton called Blair from Air Force One, "This was a 'great' day wasn't it?" Clinton tells Blair, who replies, "I am afraid these things happen... it is bad, but we have just got to steady our nerves on it, really."
After Vladimir Putin becomes the Russian leader the two discuss how he will possibly deal with the West. Clinton warns Blair that Putin, "could get squishy on democracy."
As the 2000 election grew near Clinton commented on Republican candidate George Bush, “Bush is a skilled politician, but he is not ready to be president, maybe not ever, certainly not now." Clinton then confirmed his belief that Al Gore would win the election.
Also see:
President William J. Clinton Impeachment - Lewinsky Matter Documents & Audio Recordings - 40,905 pages of documents from the Office of Independent Counsel, House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, FBI, Grand Jury, President Clinton Administration White House, Historical and Legal Analysis of Impeachment and surreptitious audio recordings.
Bosnian War (1992-1995): Bosnia, Intelligence and Clinton’s Presidency: CIA, State Department, Department of Defense & White House Files - 2,346 pages of CIA, State Department, DOD, National Security Council and White House files concerning the Bosnian War, CIA Intelligence, Clinton Administration’s policy decisions, and the Dayton Peace Accords.