World War II: General Board European Strategy, Tactics, and Administration Factual Reports
8,131 pages of reports by the General Board, United States Forces, European Theater of Operations created at the very end of World War II,.
The General Board was established to prepare a factual analysis of the strategy, tactics, and administration employed by the United States forces in the European Theater during World War II.
The General Board was established by General Orders 128, Headquarters, European Theater of Operations, United States Army, dated 17 June 1945, as amended by General Orders 182, dated 7 August 1945, and General Orders 312, dated 20 November 1945, Headquarters, United States Forces, European Theater.
Report sections include: General Documents, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, G-5, Antiaircraft Artillery, Adjutant General, Armored, Air, Artillery, Chaplain, Chemical Warfare Service, Engineers, Finance, Information and Education, Inspector General , Judge Advocate , Medical, Ordnance, Provost Marshal, Quartermaster, Signal, Special Service, Transportation, Theater Service Forces, Publicity and Psychological Warfare
The 133 Reports are:
General World War II European Theater of Operation (ETO)
1 G-3 Strategy of the Campaign in Western Europe, 1944-1945
2 G-4 Study of the Organization of the European Theater of Operations
G-1 3 G-1 Reinforcement System and Reinforcement Procedures in European Theater of Operations
4 G-1 Leaves; Furloughs, and Passes in the Theater
5 G-1 American Red Cross Activities in the European Theater of Operations
6 G-1 Appointments and Promotions in the European Theater of Operations
7 G-1 Reclassification and Demotion of Officers in the European Theater of Operations
8 G-1 G-1 Reports and Reporting Procedures in the European Theater of Operations
9 G-1 Organization and Functions of G-1 Sections in Army Groups and Armies
10 G-1 Awards and Decorations in a Theater of Operations
11 G-1 Study of the Women's Army Corps in the European Theater of Operations: Volume I Volume II Volume III
G-2 12 G-2 Military Intelligence Service in the European Theater of Operations – Procurement, Training, Supply, Administration, and Utilization of Intelligence Personnel
13 G-2 Organization and Operation of the Counter-Intelligence Corps in the European Theater of Operations
14 G-2 Organization and Operations of the Theater Intelligence Service in the European Theater of Operations
G-3 15 G-3 Organization, Equipment and Tactical Employment of the Infantry Division
16 G-3 Organization, Equipment and Tactical Employment of the Airborne Division
17 G-3 Types of Divisions – Post-War Army
18 G-3 Army Tactical Information Service
19 G-3 The Utilization of Tactical Air Force Reconnaissance Units of the Army Air Forces to Secure Information for Ground Forces in the European Theater
20 G-3 Liaison Aircraft with Ground Force Units
21 G-3 Organization, Operations and Equipment of Air-Ground Liaison in all Echelons from Divisions Upwards
22 G-3 Control of the Build-Up of Troops in a Cross-Channel Amphibious Operation as Illustrated in Operation OVERLORD
23 G-3 Functions, Organization, and Equipment of Corps Headquarters and Headquarters Company
24 G-3 Functions, Organization, and Equipment of Army Headquarters and Headquarters Company
25 G-3 Organization, Functions, and Operations of G-3 Sections in Theater Headquarters, Army Groups, Armies, Corps, and Divisions
G-4 26 G-4 Study Supply and Evacuation by Air
27 G-4 Mechanics of Supply in Fast-Moving Situations
28 G-4 Supply Functions of Corps
29 G-4 Study of the Administrative Functions of the Army Group Headquarters
30 G-4 Service Troop Basis
31 G-4 Salvage and Evacuation of Equipment
G-5 32 G-5 Civil Affairs and Military Government Organizations and Operations
33 G-5 Procedures Followed by Civil Affairs and Military Government in the Restoration, Reorganization, and Supervision of Indigenous Civil Administration
34 G-5 Financial Plans and Operations of Civil Affairs and Military Government
35 G-5 Displaced Persons, Refugees, and Recovered Allied Military Personnel
36 G-5 Civil Affairs and Military Government Activities in Connection with Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives
ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY 37 AAA Command, Staff, and Administration of AAA Units
38 AAA Tactical Employment of AAA Units, Including Defense Against Pilotless Aircraft (V-1)
39 AAA Effectiveness of AAA Groups as Compared with AAA Regiments
40 AAA AAA Techniques
41 AAA AAA Organization and Equipment of AAA Units
42 AAA V-2 Rocket Attacks and Defense
ADJUTANT GENERAL 43 AG Procurement, Reproduction, Storage, and Distribution of Publications
44 AG Casualty Reports
45 AG Army Postal Service
46 AG Machine Records
47 AG The Adjutant General in the Theater of Operations
ARMORED 48 Armd Organization, Equipment, and Tactical Employment of the Armored Divisions
49 Armd Tactics, Employment, Technique, Organization, and Equipment of Mechanized Cavalry Units
50 Armd Organization, Equipment, and Tactical Employment of Separate Tank Battalions
51 Armd The Armored Group
52 Armd Armored Special Equipment
53 Armd Tank Gunnery
AIR 54 Air The Tactical Air Force in the European Theater of Operations
55 Air The Control of Tactical Aircraft in the European Theater of Operations
56 Air Air Power in the European Theater of Operations
ARMY EXCHANGE SERVICE 57 AES Organization, Operation, and Supply of the Army Exchange Service
ARTILLERY 58 Arty Ammunition Supply for Field Artillery
59 Arty Organization and Equipment of Field Artillery Units
60 Arty Organization, Equipment, and Tactical Employment of Tank Destroyer Units
61 Arty Field Artillery Operations
62 Arty The Field Artillery Observation Battalion
63 Arty Field Artillery Communications
64 Arty Field Artillery Gunnery
65 Arty The Field Artillery Group
66 Arty Organic Field Artillery Air Observation
67 Arty Field Artillery Materiel
CHAPLAIN 68 Chap The Army Chaplain in the European Theater of Operations
CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE 69 CWS Smoke Generator Operations and Organization
70 CWS Chemical Mortar Battalions
ENGINEERS 71 Engr Engineer Organization
72 Engr Engineer Tactical Policies
73 Engr Engineer Technical Policies
74 Engr Equipment for Engineer Units
FINANCE 75 Fin The Activities of the Finance Department in the European Theater of Operations
INFORMATION AND EDUCATION 76 I&E The Information and Education Program in the European Theater of Operations
INSPECTOR GENERAL 77 IG Comparison of Administrative and Functional Operations of Officers of British, French, Russian, and German Armies Performing Duties Similar to Inspector General in United States Army
78 IG Administrative Operations of Inspectors General in the Theater
79 IG Functional Operations of Inspector General in Ground Forces
80 IG Functional Operations of Inspector General in Communications Zone
81 IG Functional Operations of Inspectors General in Air Force Units
JUDGE ADVOCATE 82 JA The Judge Advocate Section in the Theater of Operations
83 JA Military Justice Administration in Theater of Operations
84 JA Military Offender in Theater of Operations
85 JA Legal Phases of Civil Affairs and Military Government
86 JA War Crimes and Punishment of War Crimes
87 JA Legal Questions Arising in the Theater of Operations
MEDICAL 88 Med Training Status of Medical Units and Medical Department Personnel Upon Arrival in the European Theater of Operations
89 Med Organization and Equipment of Medical Units
90 Med Medical Reports
91 Med Combat Fatigue
92 Med Evacuation of Human Casualties in the European Theater of Operations
93 Med Medical Supply in the European Theater of Operations
94 Med Trench Foot
95 Med Medical Service in the Communications Zone in the European Theater of Operations
ORDNANCE 96 Ord Requirement for Ordnance Recovery Company
97 Ord Operation of Ordnance Roadside Service Stations
98 Ord Condemnation and Replacement of Artillery Tubes in Combat
99 Ord Ordnance Class II and IV Supply in European Theater of Operations
100 Ord Ammunition Supply and Operations, European Campaign
101 Ord The Employment of Ordnance Staff Sections, Ordnance Combat Service Units and Ordnance Service Units in the European Campaign
PROVOST MARSHAL 102 PM Criminal Investigation
102-106 PM Compilation of Source Material Not Otherwise Readily Available
103 PM Military Police Activities in Connection with the Evacuation and Detention of Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees, and Military Personnel Recovered from the Enemy
104 PM Table of Organization and Equipment, 19-55, Military Police Battalion
105 PM Stragglers and Absentees Without Leave
106 PM Table of Organization and Equipment, 19-500
QUARTERMASTER 107 QM Graves Registration Service
108 QM Service Operations of the Quartermaster Corps
109 QM Quartermaster Supply Operations
SIGNAL 110 Sig Signal, Supply, Repair, and Maintenance
111 Sig Signal Corps Operations
112 Sig Signal Corps Personnel, Training and Command and Administrative Structure
SPECIAL SERVICE 113 SS Special Services Organization
114 SS Special Services Companies
115 SS Special Services Supply
116 SS Motion Picture Service
117 SS Live Entertainment
118 SS Library Service
119 SS Music
120 SS Handicraft
121 SS Special Services Clubs
TRANSPORTATION 122 Trans Operation, Organization, Supply, and Services of the Transportation Corps in the European Theater of Operations
123 Trans Military Railway Service
124 Trans Procedures for the Control of Supply and Personnel Movement
125 Trans Motor Transport Service as a Permanent Part of the Transportation Corps
THEATER SERVICE FORCES 126 TSF Table of Organization and Equipment for a Base Section in a Theater of Operations
127 TSF Organization and Functions of the Communications Zone
128 TSF Logistical Build-Up in the British Isles
129 TSF Mounting the Operation OVERLORD
130 TSF Supply and Maintenance on the European Continent D-Day to VE-Day
PUBLICITY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE 131 P&PW Psychological Warfare in the European Theater of Operations
The collection includes the original 33-page General Board ETO index to the reports by Number, Section, and Subject.
The file contains a text transcript of all recognizable text embedded into the graphic image of each page of each document, creating a searchable finding aid. Text searches can be done across all files in the collection