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John F. Kennedy Military Personnel File

John F. Kennedy Military Personnel File

After Kennedy graduated from Harvard in 1940, he joined the U.S. Navy. As a Lieutenant, he was assigned to serve in the South Pacific as commander of a patrol torpedo boat, the PT-109.

This 304-page Official Military Personnel File of John F. Kennedy presented here includes records from the following folders:

Service Documents (September 1941-December 1984)

Correspondence (January 1961-June 1972)

Awards, Decorations, & Commendations (March 1943-July 1952)

Efficiency/Fitness Reports (October 1941-December 1944)

Medical Records (August 1941-November 1963)

Other Original Documents (August 1941)

Photographs & Negatives

Also See:

President John F. Kennedy Papers Archive USB Drive

JFK Assassination Document Archive Collection USB Card

19th to 21st Century American Warfare - 6 Compilation Collections - 2.5 Million Pages - 1 USB Drive

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