World War II Adolf Hitler Operation Foxley - British Assassination Plan122 page British SOE (Special Operations Executive) report on Operation Foxley, The British plan for the assassination of Adolf Hitler.
In 1944, the office of the British Special Operations Executive (SOE), reduced plans to assassinate Adolf Hitler, that formed Operation Foxley, to this report. The plan to assassinate Hitler was drawn up by a SOE agent code named LB/X, whose true identity is still kept a secret.
The Special Operations Executive, also known as the Baker Street Irregulars, because its headquarters were at 64 Baker Street, was founded in 1940, to take "action by way of subversion and sabotage against the enemy overseas." Created by Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Minister of Economic Warfare Hugh Dalton, the SOE sought to conduct warfare by means other than direct military engagement. The SOE practiced and supported espionage and sabotage behind enemy lines in support of the British war effort.
The report gives details of Hitler's daily routine and eating habits; aerial photographs, drawings of Hitler's Alpine retreat, details of assassination methods, sketches of SS Guard uniforms, agents' disguises and "guest" workers. The report provides intelligence on Hitler's alpine retreat at Berchtesgaden in Bavaria, documentary and photographic evidence is provided concerning his limousines and trains.
The introduction in the report begins:
"1. Object: The elimination of HITLER and any high-ranking Nazis or members of the Fuhrer's entourage who may be present at the attempt.
2. Means: Sniper's rifle, PIAT gun (with graze fuze) or Bazooks, H.E. and splinter grenades; derailment and destruction of the Fuhrerzug by explosives; clandestine means.
3. Scene of operations: The most recent information available on Hitler and his movements narrows down the field of endeavour to two loci of action, viz, the BERCHTESGADEN area and the Fuhrerzug (Hitler's train). The BERCHTESGADEN area includes the OBERSALZBERG as well as the road from the BERGHOF (Hitler's residence on the OVERSALZBERG) to SCHLOSS KLESSHEIM, one of the alternative Fuhrerhauptquartiers which were set up in Germany following the threat to the RASTENBURG (East Prussia) FHQ by the advance of the Russian armies in Poland. Loci of action in connection with the Fuhrerzug include the SCHLOSS KLESSHEIM sidings, SALZBURG railway station and the routes followed by Hitler's train when travelling north (to Berlin) and west (to Mannheim)."
The report details one plot to kill Hitler by bombing his train and another to poison the water on the train. The plan given the greatest likelihood of success involved the use of a sniper to kill Hitler. A captured Hitler guard revealed that while Hitler was at Berghof, Adolf Hitler's home in the Obersalzberg of the Bavarian Alps near Berchtesgaden, Germany, Hitler always took a morning walk, around the same time (after 10:00 a.m.) and for the same duration, about 20 minutes. In addition, Hitler liked to be left alone during this walk.
The report says, "Walking alone, the Fuhrer is under observation throughout his walk by the SS patrol which follows him at a discreet distance. Hitler is also under the observation of the SS piquet at the GUTSHOF for about 100 yards of the walk, and is visible to the SS piquets at the Theaterhalle and the Landhaus Goring as he crosses the concrete by-pass from the OBERAU road to the Fuhrerstrasse. These piquets are, however well over 500 yards away."
The plan was never given a final go ahead. Some thought it would be easier to beat Germany under the leadership of Hitler, then by a replacement. Some considered the reprisals against Czech civilians that took place after Operation Anthropoid lead to the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich. In May 1942, Heydrich was assassinated by SOE-trained Czechs. In the reprisals that followed 5,000 civilians were murdered.
The near success of the July 20, 1944 attempt on the life of Hitler, organized by German military leaders, lead to changes in Hitler's security that would have made Operation Foxley plans less likely to achieve its objective.
In addition to 122 pages on the disc can be found the following.
CIA FILESThe Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich
A 19 page article written for the CIA's internal journal, "Studies in Intelligence," written by R.C. Jaggers and published in the journal's winter 1960 edition.
Intelligence and Covert ActionA 9 page article from the CIA's internal journal, "Studies in Intelligence," written by Riffice, Albert E Riffice. The article covers the formation and organization of British SOE. T was published in the journal's winter 1962 edition.