Vietnam War: POW/MIA Summary of All Non-Returnees Reported Volumes
878 pages of reports of returnee information on non-returnees.
Summary reports of information obtained from retuning POWs from Southeast Asia on non-returning POWs.
Compiled by the Air Force Headquarters, Air Force Data Services Center, Air Force Data Automation Agency.
Each volume, dated May 1978, is divided by military service designation, Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy. The reports contain a name listing of the respective American service members, prisoners of war or missing in action, who did not return from the Vietnam War. Information supplied for each name was provided by a returnee; this is raw data and unsubstantiated. Information provided includes name, rank, service, last known status and date of last information, source of information; last know POW camp, POW camp nicknames, physical condition, general comments, and the returnee's name that provided the information.
Reports are titled:
Summary of All Non-Returnees Reported Vol 1 Air Force Personnel Not Returned from Southeast Asia
Summary of All Non-Returnees Reported Vol 2 Army Personnel Not Returned from Southeast Asia
Summary of All Non-Returnees Reported Vol 3 Navy Personnel Not Returned from Southeast Asia
Summary of All Non-Returnees Reported Vol 4 Marine Personnel Not Returned from Southeast Asia
The collection contains a text transcript of all recognizable text embedded into the graphic image of each page of each document, creating a searchable finding aid. Text searches can be done across all files in the collection.