Howard Zinn - FBI
& CIA Files and Newspaper Articles
544 pages of FBI,
CIA, JFK Assassination Records Review Board files and newspaper articles
mentioning Howard Zinn. Zinn (1922-2010), was a historian, playwright,
philosopher, socialist and writer, most famous for authoring, "A People's
History of the United States."
This collection
FBI Files
423 pages of FBI
Files. Files date from 1949 to 1974, containing serials:
In 1949, the FBI
started a domestic security investigation on Zinn, based on his involvement
with the American Labor Party. The FBI considered the American Labor Party to
be a front organization for the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA).
The Bureau accounted for information received from Confidential Informants of
Zinn's contact with Martin Luther King Jr.
In the 1960s, Zinn campaigned against the Vietnam War.
121 pages of
additional material contain CIA files, JFK Assassination Records Review Board
files and newspaper articles mentioning Howard Zinn.