Holocaust Documents Archive USB Card - 391,389 pages in 27 collections
A curated documentary collection of material drawn from the millions of pages of documents found in depositories world-wide covering or significantly related to the Holocaust.
The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population
Just plug the USB Pen Card into your laptop, desktop, or tablet to access a significant compendium of documents from the collections of BACM Research/PaperlessArchives.com
The USB Pen card works with any device with a USB 2.0, 3.0 or 3.1 interface.
The Pen card chip is housed in a metal body that is waterproof, shock-proof, temperature-proof, magnet-proof and X-ray-proof.
The 27 Collections Include:
Nuremberg Trials: Indictments, Trial Transcripts, Documentary Evidence - 62,042 pages of documents concerning the Nuremberg Trials of perpetrators of the Holocaust and other war crimes.
United Nations War Crimes Commission Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals - 2,201 pages, in 15 volumes, covering of 89 World War II era war crime cases. The United Nations Commission for the Investigation of War Crimes, which later changed its name to the United Nations War Crimes Commission, was a commission of the United Nations that investigated allegations of war crimes committed by Nazi Germany and the other Axis powers in World War II. The Commission began its work at the behest of the British government and the other Allied nations in 1943, prior to the formal establishment of the United Nations itself, in October 1945
IG Farben (Bayer, BASF, Zyklon B) Nuremberg War Crimes Trial Documents Volumes 1 & 2 - 134,384 pages of documents and 2 hours and 15 minutes of motion pictures related to the IG Farben trial officially known As United States of America V. Carl Krauch Et Al. (Case Vi) August 14, 1947-July 30, 1948. The trial was held at the Palace of Justice in the German city of Nürnberg subsequent to the International Military Tribunal (IMT) held in the same city.
U.S. Nuremberg Military Tribunal No. 1 The Doctors Trial Documents & Film - 24,084 pages of documents and 2 hours and 14 minutes of film. United States of America v. Karl Brandt, et al. This trial has become known as the Medical Case or the Doctors Trial, because 20 of the 23 defendants were doctors, and the charges were related principally to medical experimentation on human beings.
"The defendants in this case are charged with murders, tortures, and other atrocities committed in the name of medical science. The victims of these crimes are numbered in the hundreds of thousands. A handful only are still alive; a few of the survivors will appear in this courtroom. But most of these miserable victims were slaughtered outright or died during the course of the tortures to which they were subjected. For the most part they are nameless dead. To their murderers, these wretched people were not individuals at all They came in wholesale lots and were treated worse than animals." ----BG Telford Taylor, Chief of Counsel for War Crimes, Opening Statement, Nuremberg Military Tribunal Case No. 1, December 9, 1946
Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp Trial Transcripts and Documents - 3,769 pages of trial transcripts, court documents, records, newspaper articles and histories concerning the first Belsen Trial (September 17, 1945 – November 17, 1945) of the commandant of Auschwitz-Birkenau (from 8 May 1944 to 25 November 1944) and of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp (from December 1944 to its liberation on 15 April 1945) Josef Kramer and 44 others. Kramer and forty-four others were alleged to have been either been full members of the staff of Belsen or Auschwitz concentration camps, or of both, others were prisoners elevated by the camp administrators to positions of authority over the other internees.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt & the Holocaust Documents - 2,840 pages of documents related to President Roosevelt and his Administration’s response to the Holocaust
President Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration Foreign Relations and Diplomatic Papers (1931-1945) - 147,876 pages of transcription of documentary records of President Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration's foreign policy decisions and diplomatic activity. Documents included date from 1931 to 1945, from before FDR took office until the time of his death in April 1945
German Control and Crimes in Europe OSS Reports (1943-1945) - 2,169 pages of reports from the Research and Analysis Branch of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) covering German criminal acts in Europe during World War II. The scope and content of the reports include, but not limited to, Germany's economic preparations to wage aggressive war, German criminal procedure, German real property law, and German inheritance law, Nazi paramilitary and military organizations, concentration camps, and the Nazi's intended annihilation of European Jewry.
Nuremberg Trial Prosecutor Ralph G. Albrecht's Trial Notes - 76 pages of notes taken by Albrecht's during the Nuremberg trials of Hermann Göring, Rudolf Hess, Joachim vn Ribbentrop, Field Marshall Wilhem Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Dr. Hans Frank, Dr. Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, Hjalmar Schacht, Walter Emanuel Funk, and Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz, with several leaves laid in, including a mimeograph copy of a poem, "Reflections on Funk's defence," by "F.E.J." Ralph Gerhart Albrecht (1896-1985) was an American lawyer who was part of the American prosecution team during the Nuremberg trial of major war criminals.
Katherine Fite, the only Senior Female Lawyer at Nuremburg, Papers & Correspondences - 385 pages of documents. Katherine Boardman Fite (later Katherine Fite Lincoln) was an assistant to Justice Robert H. Jackson, the Chief United States Prosecutor of the Office of the United States Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality, at the Nuremberg trials.
OSS Report on Pre-Third Reich (1918-1933) Nationalist and Racial Groups - A brief account of nationalist and racial groups which developed in Germany after the first World War; the relation of these groups to the development of Nazi ideology and practice; the methods by which the Nazi Party coordinated and dominated these groups.
Adolf Eichmann CIA Files - 1,449 pages of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Files covering Adolf Eichmann. Karl Adolf Eichmann (1906 – 1962) was a German Nazi SS-Obersturmbannführer (lieutenant colonel). He became the most pivotal participant in the deportation of European Jewry during the Holocaust. After the end of World War II, he found himself in American custody. However, in 1946 he escaped. In 1960, Israeli agents abducted Eichmann in Argentina and flew him to Israel, where he was tried and executed in 1962.
Adolf Hitler FBI Files - 1,862 pages of Hitler related FBI Files. Includes 947 pages of files covering matters investigated in the United States by the Bureau related to Adolf Hitler. This collection contains two copies of the FBI Files. The first are 947 Pages of color scans from the National Archives & Records Administration in College Park, Maryland. The other is an older release from a reference copy made from FBI microfilm containing 746 pages of the Hitler files
Adolf Hitler OSS - CIA Files - 1,860 pages of Office of Strategic Services (OSS) files related to Adolf Hitler. Files are composed of a biographical sketch, two analyses of Adolph Hitler's psychological profile, a collection of abstracts of source materials dealing with Adolf Hitler, medical and physical information about Hitler and a set of assorted Adolf Hitler OSS files.
Anti-Nazi Drawings Made in Germany by Jewish Illustrator Leon Schleifer - 181 illustrations and 57 description sheets of scenes from Germany, dating from 1929 to 1934, by Leon Schleifer, an Austrian-born Jew who pseudonymously satirized Hitler and his followers as they rose to power.
Dachau - Office of Strategic Service, 7th Army OSS Section Report - 77 pages. This report presents some of the facts and photographs of Dachau in order to emphasize the type of crimes the SS committed daily. A history, composition, the organization, and groupings of prisoners are given for the concentration camp. Another segment addresses the camp and town/townspeople. There is a diary, statements, special case reports, and some information is given at the time of the liberation.
German SS Fourth Reich Plans - British Intelligence Files - 191 pages of British intelligence files covering plans by the German intelligence agency, Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS, also known as the SD, to install a "stay-behind" organization in Europe for use after the end of World War II combat, to work behind Allied controls to build a Fourth Reich.
Heinrich Himmler's Files from Hallein - 43 pages of November 8, 1945 report from the Office of Military Government for Germany (US), Office of the Director of Intelligence, consisting of extracts and excerpts of correspondence, speeches, orders, and miscellaneous items from Heinrich Himmler.
Heinrich Himmler's Wife Margarete Himmler Interrogation Report and Diary - 198 pages of documents including an English-language pretrial interrogation transcript from her September 26, 1945 questioning in Nuremburg by the Interrogation Division of the U.S. Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality (OCCPAC). Her handwritten diary entries in German and English translation.
Holocaust Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) Files - 512 pages of documents covering allied forces directly encountering the structures, organization, and systems of mass murder employed during the Holocaust and its degree.
Josef Mengele "Dr. Mengele" FBI - Department of Justice - SS Files - 647 pages of FBI/Department of Justice files relating to Josef Mengele, "Dr. Mengele", composed of a 202-page 1992 Department of Justice report and 445 pages of copies of documents and exhibits used in the Department of Justice investigation. The report is the culmination of the DOJ investigation, commenced in 1985, into the whereabouts and postwar activities of this infamous Nazi criminal.
Josef Mengele CIA Files - 647 pages of CIA files covering the Auschwitz selector and human experimenter Dr. Josef Mengele. These CIA files on Auschwitz doctor Josef Mengele consists of published articles about Mengele and his various hideouts in South America, mistaken sightings of him, information of unknown reliability about his associates in Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil, and much information about events in 1984-85, when his tracks finally emerged
Klaus Barbie CIA Files- 1,481 pages of CIA created and/or maintained documents concerning Klaus Barbie the Nazi war criminal, and post-war U.S. intelligence agent, also known as the Butcher of Lyon. The documents in this collection includes CIA files, State Department messages, German language SS personnel files, published materials, declassified documents, interrogations, confidential reports from agents or informants, and CIA analytical reports.
Klaus Barbie: Department of Justice - FBI - Counter Intelligence Corps Files - 1,005 pages of DOJ, FBI, and CIC files covering Klaus Barbie. Klaus Barbie, the Nazi war criminal and drug trafficker, also known as the Butcher of Lyon, was born on October 25, 1913 in Godesberg in the Rhineland. In 1933, Hitler became chancellor of Germany and Barbie joined the Hitler Youth. Beginning in February 1935, Barbie served as personal adjutant to the head of the local Nazi party office in Trier. It was at this time, according to his handwritten autobiography in his SS personnel file, that Barbie began to work with the SS, Sicherheitsdienst (literally, security service), the Nazi Party intelligence and espionage agency. Barbie officially joined the SS and SD (Gestapo, secret police) on September 26, 1935.
Poland Under German Rule Reports - A collection of 1,110 pages of reporting on German occupation of Poland.
SS Warsaw Police Chief Report on Warsaw Ghetto Uprising & Destruction of the Ghetto - 247 pages of documents, including a copy of the original 123-page report often called the "Stroop Report" and a 102-page English translation by the United States’ Office of the U.S. Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality, of the 16 May 1943 report by Jürgen Stroop, SS Police Leader, Warsaw, titled, ""Es gibt keinen judischen Wohnbezirk in Warschau mehr!" ("THERE IS NO JEWISH GHETTO IN ANYMORE.") The report includes daily operational reports on the suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and photographs, it has become one of the most prominent documents of the Holocaust.
When searching for the word “Kristallnacht,” referring to the event on On the
night of November 9-10, 1938, the Nazi Party escalated its organized persecution
of German and Austrian Jews in what has become known as Kristallnacht, or the
Night of the Broken Glass, you get 13 hits
Including this letter dated November 10, 1938, found in President’s Official File
198: Germany, 1935-1938, Box 1, written to President Roosevelt’s private
secretary Missy LeHand, from FDR adviser Benjamin V. Cohen, who relays a
message from Rabbi Stephen Wise about the first hand reports he is receiving
about the events of Kristallnacht.