Vietnam War Key Events CIA Files A trove 3,000 pages of CIA files dealing with the Vietnam War, dating from March 1961 to September 1972. Material is made up of CIA operational files, finished intelligence reports, memoranda, and background studies.
Areas covered in these Central Intelligence Agency Vietnam War documents include
Covert Actions in Vietnam.
U.S. relations with the Republic of Vietnam.
Major political and military decisions regarding U.S. involvement in Vietnam and strategies to be followed.
Military assistance to the Republic of Vietnam.
Situations in the surrounding region including Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand.
The relationship among the United States Government, the Diem Government, and dissident elements in South Vietnam.
U.S. intelligence assessments of the viability of the Diem Government and the prospects of potential coup plotters.
The implications of the Buddhist crisis.
November 1, 1963 coup against South Vietnamese president Ngo Dinh Diem.
Lessons learned by the Communists from fighting the French.
U.S. intelligence assessments of developing situations during the Vietnam War.
Soviet and Chinese aid to North Vietnam.
Rolling Thunder bombing campaign against North Vietnam.
The effect of the international political climate on Vietnamese Communist plans and capabilities.
Tet Offensive intelligence.
CIA's Air America airlines post reports.
The material is in chronological order.
A transcript of all computer recognizable text is embedded in the pages of the file, used in keyword searches of the material.