FBI/Nixon Intelligence Letter Program (INLET) FBI Files
530 pages of files copied from FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C., covering the FBI'S intelligence letter program for President Richard Nixon. The 1969 to 1972 intelligence letter program, code named "INLET", according to a bureau memorandum, was not only intended to provide the president with domestic and international security issues, but also, "items with an unusual twist or concerning prominent personalities which may be of special interest to the President." Often information contained in the reports approached the level of gossip. The FBI contended that the Inlet program was nothing more than an administrative device to insure that information would reach the president in a concise and timely manner, concerning ongoing investigations within its jurisdiction.
Individuals and groups mentioned in the files include Jane Fonda, Abbie Hoffman, Bobby Seale, Adam Clayton Powell, William Kunstler, Black Panther Party, Ku Klux Klan, National of Islam, Students For A Democratic Society (SDS), and Weather Underground (Weathermen).