Vietnam War Field Manuals
29,020 pages of Vietnam War era military field manuals..
The 213 Field Manuals date from 1960 to 1975. Highlights among the collection of 213 manuals include:
FM 31-15 Operations Against Irregular Forces
This field manual provided guidance to the commanders and staffs of combined arms forces which have a primary mission of eliminating irregular forces. The text discusses the nature of irregular forces comprised of organized guerrilla units and underground elements, and their supporters; and the organization, training, tactics, techniques, and procedures to be employed by a combined arms force, normally in conjunction with civil agencies, to destroy large, well-organized irregular forces in active or cold war situations. The manual recognises that these operations may be required in situations wherein an irregular force either constitutes the only enemy, or threatens rear areas of regular military forces which are conducting conventional operations.
FM 31-16 Counterguerrilla Operations
This field manual provided guidance for all infantry and airborne commanders and where infantry and airborne commanders, and where applicable, staffs of the brigade, battalion, and rifle companies when they have the primary mission of conducting counterguerrilla operations. This guidance is also applied to mechanized infantry and armor units of comparable levels when they have been appropriately tailored to delete the major portion of their mechanized vehicular support. The manual emphasizes that commanders and staffs must be prepared to conduct counterguerrilla operations on a detached or semi-independent basis. This manual discusses the nature of guerrilla forces and the supporting underground elements and civilian auxiliary of resistance movements; and the organization, training, tactics, and techniques to destroy guerrilla forces in active war (active or non-active nuclear or non-nuclear) and subliminal war. These tactics emphasizes maximizing the use of Army aviation for lift, reconnaissance, and fire support.
FM 57-35 Airmobile Operations
This field manual provided guidance for commanders, staff officers, and other interested personnel in planning and executing airmobile operations. This field manual deals with all aspects of airmobile operations. It provides basic information concerning the planning and conduct of airmobile operations for all combat echelons, from small patrols to a battalion-size airmobile force. The principles and techniques are applicable to the infantry division battalion, airborne division battalion, air assault division battalion, armored cavalry regiment, and suitable elements of armored and mechanized divisions.
FM 30-16 Technical Intelligence
This field manual defined doctrine and established procedures for the management, planning, collection, production, reporting, and dissemination of Army technical intelligence. The manual was applicable to both nuclear and non-nuclear warfare. It covers procedures and establishes broad principles regarding the role military intelligence personnel and units in technical intelligence, and provides guidance for commanders, staffs, and combat support personnel in technical intelligence matters.
FM 31-8 Medical Service in Joint Operations
The purpose of this field manual was to familiarize Armed Forces command and staff officers with the general doctrine, organizations, and practices of the medical services of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force. It outlines the employment of these medical services in unified and/or joint operations. The manual includes a initial synopsis of the overall mission of military medical service is followed by an individual consideration of each of the medical services. The material concerning the unilateral employment of each medical service provides background information and delineates certain responsibilities. Finally, the technique of employment of a unified medical service is covered from the aspects of the estimate, the plan, and the operation.
FM 31-10 Denial Operations and Barriers
This field manual provides guidance to commanders and staff officers in the conduct of denial operations and the employment of barriers in a theater of operations. It sets forth responsibilities, principles of employment, and procedures for planning and coordinating the conduct of denial operations and the employment of barriers at various command echelons.
FM 45-25 Field Press Censorship
This field manual was designed to set forth the general principles of military field press censorship in combat areas. It provided the broad framework within which the precise requirements of field press censorship in a given area is to be defined and developed. It furnished commanders, staff officers, and other personnel with instruction on field press censorship planning and operations. This manual states the mission, major responsibilities, and functions of field press censorship in combat areas and its relationship to other staff agencies and operations. The procedures and mechanics of the operation are outlined in general terms. There is no attempt to lay down all of the detailed policies and procedures which the field press censor may find to be required in a given situation. The manual states that such detailed policies and procedures must vary with changing circumstances in the area of operations and can be developed realistically only as day-to-day experience suggests. Field press censors are cautioned in the manual that in the field they must familiarize themselves with the continuing flow of current press censorship guidance.
FM 57-1 U.S. Army-U.S. Air Force Doctrine for Airborne Operations
This field manual sets forth the doctrine, responsibilities, tactics, and techniques employed by Army and Air Force component forces for use in planning and executing joint airborne operations.
FM 100-10 Field Service Regulations Administration
Military activity may be divided into two major interdependent fields; combat activities and administrative support activities. This field manual deals with administrative support activities. Administrative support is the assistance given to troops in the areas of logistic, personnel, and civil affairs support. Such assistance includes appropriate staff planning, personnel management, interior management of units, supply support, service support, and civil affairs activities.
FM 100-5 Operations of Army Forces in the Field
This field manual was a guide for operations of U.S. Army forces in the field. The doctrine contained within applied to all levels of command and theater of operations, and particularly to levels above division. Military operations are actions, or the carrying out of strategic, tactical, service, training, or administrative military missions. They encompass all combat activity, including movement, supply, attack, defense, and maneuvers needed to gain the objectives of any battle or campaign. The discussion of military operations in the manual is broad in scope, but provides a basis for common understanding and the conduct of training. The procedures discussed herein are flexible. The contents of this manual are applicable the following levels of conflict (1) General war, to include consideration of the employment of and protection from nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) munitions; and operations in NBC environments. (2) Limited war. (3) Cold war, to include stability operations.
Included among the 213 field manuals are:
FM 23-9 Rifle, 5.56-MM, X M16 E1
FM 23-5 U.S. Rifle Caliber .30, M1
FM 23-8 U.S. Rifle 7.62mm, M14 and M14E2
FM 23-12 Technique of Fire of the Rifle Squad and Tactical Application
FM 31-15 Operations Against Irregular Forces
FM 31-16 Counterguerrilla Operations
FM 100-5 Operations of Army Forces in the Field
FM 6-70 105mm Howitzer Light, M102, Towed
FM 6-78 75-mm Pack Howitzer M1A1
FM 6-20-1 Field Artillery Tactics
FM 6-10 Field Artillery Communications
FM 17-1 Armor Operations
FM 17-12 Tank Gunnery
FM 6-3-1 Operation of the Gun Direction Computer M18 Cannon Application
FM 7-11 Rifle Company, Infantry, Airborne Infantry and Mechanized Infantry
FM 1-110 Armed Helicopter Employment
FM 17-37 Air Cavalry Squadron
FM 1-80 Aerial Observer Techniques and Procedures
FM 31-10 Denial Operations and Barriers
FM 1-130 Operation of the AN USD-1 Surveillance Drone System
FM 5-15 Field Fortifications
FM 5-20 Camouflage
FM 5-30 Engineer Intelligence
FM 57-35 Airmobile Operations
FM 7-15 Infantry Airborne Infantry and Mechanized Infantry Rifle Platoons and Squads
FM 7-15 Rifle Platoons and Squads Infantry, Airborne and Mechanized
FM 7-20 Infantry, Airborne Infantry, and Mechanized Infantry Battalions
FM 7-20 The Infantry Battalions
FM 8-10 Medical Support Theater of Operations
FM 8-35 Transportation of the Sick and Wounded
FM 57-1 U.S. Army-U.S. Air Force Doctrine for Airborne Operations
FM 16-100 Character Guidance Manual
FM 19-40 Enemy Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees
FM 22-5 Drill and Ceremonies
FM 45-25 Field Press Censorship
FM 1-15 Aviation Battalion Infantry, Airborne, Mechanized, and Armored Divisions
FM 1-80 Aerial Observer Training
FM 1-100 Army Aviation Utilization
FM 5-1 Engineer Troop Organizations and Operations
FM 5-36 Route Reconnaissance and Classification
FM 5-132 Infantry Division Engineers
FM 5-134 Armored Division Engineer Battalion
FM 6-2 Artillery Survey
FM 6-15 Artillery Meteorology
FM 7-10 Rifle Company, Infantry and Airborne Battle Groups
FM 8-15 Division Medical Service, Infantry, Airborne, Mechanized, and Armored Divisions
FM 9-17 Ordnance Ammunition Company
FM 10-8 Air Delivery of Supplies and Equipment in the Field Army
FM 11-50 Signal Battalion Armored, Infantry, and Infantry Mechanized Divisions
FM 12-2 Adjutant General Operations in the Field Army
FM 12-4 Division Separate Brigade Adjutant General
FM 12-50 The Military Band
FM 16-5 The Chaplain
FM 17-30 The Armored Brigade
FM 17-36 Divisional Armored and Air Cavalry Units
FM 17-42 Armored Infantry Battalion
FM 19-1 Military Police Support Army Divisions and Separate Brigades
FM 19-2 Military Police Support in the Field Army
FM 19-3 Military Police Support in the Communication Zone
FM 19-4 Military Police Support Theater of Operations
FM 19-5 The Military Policeman
FM 19-10 Military Police in Towns and Cities
FM 19-10 The Military Police Administration and Operations
FM 19-15 Civil Disturbances and Disasters
FM 19-21 Traffic Control Studies
FM 19-25 Military Police Traffic Control
FM 19-45-1 Rear Area Protection
FM 20-20 Basic Training and Care of Military Dogs
FM 20-22 Vehicle Recovery Operations
FM 20-100 Army Ground Forces Light Aviation
FM 21-5 Military Training Management
FM 27-15 Basic Field Manual Military Law Domestic Disturbances
FM 29-27 Army Calibration Company
FM 30-10 Terrain Intelligence
FM 30-16 Technical Intelligence
FM 31-3 Weather Support for Field Army Tactical Operations
FM 31-8 Medical Service in Joint Operations
FM 35-20 Physical Training Women's Army Corps
FM 38-5 Logistics Maintenance Management
FM 41-5 Joint Manual for Civil Affairs
FM 41-10 Civil Affairs Operation
FM 44-1 U.S. Army Air Defense Employment
FM 44-2 Air Defense Artillery Employment Automatic Weapons
FM 55-4-1 Transportation Movements in a Theater of Operations
FM 55-9 Transportation Services and the Transportation Brigade in the Field Army
FM 55-10 Army Transportation Movements Management
FM 57-10 Army Forces in Joint Airborne Operations
FM 61-100 The Division
FM 100-15 Larger Units Theater Army-Corps
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