Impeachment Department of Justice Guide (1974)
A 278-page report from the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel titled, “Legal Aspects of Impeachment: An Overview,” completed in February 1974.
A memorandum summarizing the research of the staff of the Office of Legal Counsel in regard to impeachment.
In the introduction to this report Robert G. Dixon, Jr., Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, wrote: “In a broad sense the impeachment material being released consists of attorney working papers of a sort normally not disclosed. In this instance, however, because of the interest surrounding the subject, the extraordinary nature of our present circumstances, and the historically informative nature of this study, a broad sharing of it is deemed by the Department of Justice to be in the public interest.”
Abstract: The major topics in this memorandum are dealt with more fully in four appendices. Although the research has been extensive, this material does not purport to be an exhaustive survey.
Work on the subject began in October and was expanded considerably in December as time and the pressure of other work permitted. The study is an independent, objective, and essentially historical survey of the field, designed to serve as resource material in the academic sense. It does not analyze any particular factual allegations, reach ultimate conclusions, or propose solutions. The material may serve to illuminate discussion and indicate the complexity of impeachment.