JFK Assassination Jim Leavelle Warren Commission Vertical FileJames Robert Leavelle (August 23, 1920) is the former Dallas, Texas, homicide detective who is most famous for being the tan suited man handcuffed to Lee Harvey Oswald's right hand, when Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby.
This Warren Commission file includes:
Leavelle's statement of his activities related to the JFK assassination and the shooting of Oswald from November 22, 1963 to November 24th.
FBI's memorandum of an interview of Leavelle conducted on November 25th, 1963.
Leavelle's statement regarding the murder of Dallas Police officer J.D. Tippit.
Statements of other police officers present at the shooting of Oswald.
Jack Ruby's statement including Ruby's account of his interaction with Leavelle, after the shooting of Oswald
Transcript of the entire Warren Commission deposition of Leavelle