John F. Kennedy Assassination FBI Reports6,605 pages of investigative reports produced by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the days and months following the death of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, copied from material held at the National Archives and Records .
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, at approximately 12:29 PM local time on November 22, 1963. At the time, the President was en route from Love Field to the Trade Mart in Dallas to address a luncheon sponsored by several civic groups. Among those in the motorcade with the President were his wife Jacqueline, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson, and Texas Governor John B. Connally and his wife Nellie.
Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with the crime but was shot and killed two days later by Jack Ruby before a trial could take place. The FBI, the Warren Commission, and the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) officially concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin, with the HSCA in 1979 concluding that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy based on disputed acoustic evidence.
he earliest document in this set is dated July 3, 1961, nearly 2 1/2 years before the assassination of President Kennedy. These early files cover Oswald's residency in the Soviet Union and FBI interviews with Oswald after his return to the United States. The bulk of the material was created after the assassination of President Kennedy.
The documents include long form reports on Oswald and Jack Ruby. Individual reports address Oswald in Russia, Oswald's trip to Mexico, miscellaneous threats made against Kennedy, investigations into allegations of persons other than Oswald, and a report titled, "Hoaxes, False Reports, and Irresponsible Reporting."
Two reports cover the attorney Mark Lane. Less than a month after the assassination, Lane published an article in the National Guardian questioning the initial information about the assassination. Lane went on to become a leading critic of the conclusions of the Warren Commission and wrote several books including, Rush to Judgment (1966), A Citizen's Dissent: Mark Lane Replies to the Defenders of the Warren Report (1968), Plausible Denial: Was the CIA Involved in the Assassination of JFK? (1991), and Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK. (2011).
The files include a comprehensive report submitted to the Warren
Commission titled, "Investigation of Assassination of President John F. Kennedy."
The first section of this report covers the assassination of the President and the identification of Oswald as his slayer. The second section presents the evidence the FBI described as conclusively showing that Oswald did assassinate the President. The third section addresses what the FBI knew about Oswald prior to the assassination; and the results of the FBI's investigation of Oswald's background, activities, associates, et cetera, subsequent to the assassination. The report includes exhibits of evidence tying Oswald with the assassination of the President and documents relative to Oswald's contacts with the Soviets and the Communist Party. The exhibits include an autobiography by Oswald in his handwriting. The last section covers the investigation of the killing of Lee Harvey Oswald.
The contents of the report "Investigation of Assassination of President John F. Kennedy":
Section I: The Assassination: Assassin in Building, Patrolman Tippit Killed
Section II: The Evidence: A. Events Prior to the Assassination, B. Events Following The Assassination, C. Oswald's Apprehension, D. Interview of Assassin, E. The Assassination Weapon, F. Other Evidence, G. Prior Similar Act, H. Lee Harvey Oswald, Before Assassination of President Kennedy, After Assassination of President Kennedy
Exhibits: Map of Portion of Downtown Dallas; Texas School Book Depository Building; Blanket Found in Oswald's Garage; Brown Wrapping Paper Bag Found Near Window; Latent Left Index Fingerprint of Oswald on Brown Paper Bag; Latent Right Palm Print of Oswald on Brown Paper Bag; Employees' Lunchroom' Revolver Used by Oswald to Shoot Officer Tippit; Photograph of Oswald with Side Ann and Rifle; Fair Play for Cuba Committee Card Carried by Oswald' Assassination Weapon; 1Diagram of Sixth Floor; Blanket, Paper Bag, and Rifle (Relative Size); Order Blank Showing Sale of Rifle; Oswald's Passport Application; Order for Rifle; Money Order for Rifle; Post Office Box Application; Oswald's Shirt; Bullet from Stretcher; Bullet Fragments; Oswald's Latent Palm Print on Rifle; Oswald's Right Palm Print on Cardboard Carton; Oswald's Fingerprint on Cardboard Carton; Oswald's Left Palm Print on Cardboard Carton; Enlargement of Film Showing Window from Which Shots Were Fired; Map Found in Oswald's Effects; Undated Note in Russian Language Found by Mrs. Oswald; Letter from Oswald to U.S. Marine Corps - March 22, 1963; Excerpt - State Department Manual; Oswald's Membership Card - Fair Play for Cuba Committee; "Historic Diary" Prepared by Oswald; Notes of Oswald on Stationary of Holland-American Line; Manuscript Prepared by Oswald; Draft of Speech Prepared by Oswald; Handwritten Notes for Speech' Handwritten Notes re: Political Systems; Notes on Biographical Data of Oswald' Questions and Answers Pertaining to Oswald's Trip to USSR; Handprinted Account of Oswald's Visit to American Embassy; Account of Interview with UPI Reporter; Account of Amorous Affairs in USSR; Letter to Oswald from Gus Hall - Benjamin J. Davis Defense Committee; Letter to Oswald from "The Worker" - December 19: 1962; Letter to Oswald from Socialist Workers Party - November 5: 1962; Letter to Oswald from Bob Chester; Letter to Oswald from Socialist Workers Party - March 27: 1963; Letter to Oswald from Fair Play for Cuba Committee - May 22: 1963; Letter to Oswald from the Communist Party, U.S.A.; Letter to Oswald from Arnold Johnson; Letter Dated May 29, 1963 from Fair Play for Cuba Committee; Oswald's Letters Turned Over to FBI by John Abt on Behalf of Arnold Johnson; Soviet Embassy File re: Oswald; Autobiography of Oswald in His Handwriting.
Investigation of Killing of Lee Harvey Oswald:
I. The Killing of Lee Harvey Oswald: A. Oswald’s Arrest, B. Removal Plans Publicized, C. Removal Steps Initiated, D. Oswald Killed, E. Assailant Identified.
II. Information Concerning Ruby: A. Early Years, B. Friend Murdered, C. Military Service, D. Chicago to Dallas, E. Career as Night Club Operator,
F. Personal Characteristics, G. Relations with Dallas Police, H. Travel, I. Political Interests, J. No Relationship with Oswald
III. FBI Interview with Ruby: A. Movements Following Assassination of
President Kennedy, B. Claim of Emotional Pressure, C. Took Gun with Him, D. Concealed Means of Entry, E. Claims Reasoning Beclouded
IV. Ruby's Whereabouts November 22-24, 1963
V. Purchase of Gun and Arrest Record
VI. Investigation Under Civil Rights Statutes: A. Basis for Investigation, B. Scope of Investigation, C. Anonymous Telephone Warnings, D. Transfer Plans, E. Armored Truck a Decoy, F. Flanking Guards, G. Basement Area Checked, H. Pertinent Areas Secured, I. Transfer Security Plans, J. Orders to Check Identification Passes, K. Area Searches, L. Large Crowd Present, M. Entrance of Ruby, N. Ruby's Comments