World War II Infantry Commanding Officers' Experiences Reports
4,905 pages of reports covering personal experiences of commanding officers during combat in World War II.
The Infantry School at Fort Benning began collecting academic monographs from company commanders soon after the end of World War II, to record their personal combat experiences. Reports include lessons learned, analysis, and criticisms. Covers operations in all theaters of operations.
Interviewees include company commanders, platoon leaders, squad leaders, captains, rifle platoon leaders, and mortar platoon leaders.
Types of action covered include:
First parachute operations attempted by the U.S. Army. Battalion landing operations on hostile shores. Heavy artillery firing battery in general support. Battalion in the attack, defense, night operations, and withdrawal. Airborne attack. Air Force operations in close support of ground forces. Rifle company in the approach march and support of an adjacent unit in the attack. Division in a river crossing. Guerrilla operations. Infantry rifle company defending against large-scale attacks. Infantry regiment attacking a heavily fortified defense line. Establishment of a corps beachhead by amphibious and airborne assault. Company in defense and withdrawal. Infantry company as battalion reserve. Attacking to clear bypassed resistance. Battalion landing operation on hostile shores. Desert operations. Infantry rifle company attacking through a forest. Infantry in defense on a wide front. Battalion in a river crossing. Assault of a fortified area. Infantry company attacking and holding a fortified position. Rifle company attacking and holding a town. The capture of a major objective by airborne forces.
Reporters, operations, divisions, and campaigns include:
Adams, Jonathan E. Jr. MAJ, "Operations of "A" Company, 508th Parachute Infantry, 82nd Airborne Division, Near Rencheaux, Belgium, 22-25 December 1944 (Ardennes Campaign)
Bailey, Claude E. CPT "Operations of Company I, 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, East of Olzheim, Germany, 28 February-1 March 1945" (Rhineland Campaign)
Bailey, Leslie MAJ, "Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 135th Infantry, 34th Infantry Division, at Algiers, North Africa, 7-10 November 1942" (Algeria-French Morocco Campaign)
Baker, Denzil L. LTC, "Rommel's Second Advance into Egypt, May-October 1942"
Balcer, Charles I. CPT, "Operations of the VII Corps, 1st U.S. Army in the Landing on Utah Beach, Normandy, France, 6-7 June 1944" (Normandy Campaign)
Banks, David W. CPT, "Operations of the Machine Gun Platoon, Company B, 1st Battalion, 29th Regiment, 6th Marine Division, at Okinawa, Ryukyus Islands, 1-18 April 1945" (Ryukyus Campaign)
Barber, Keith H. MAJ, "German Ardennes Counter Offensive 16 December 1944 to 2 January 1945" (Ardennes-Alsace Campaign)
Barber, Wilfred. MAJ, "Operations of Company A, 331st Infantry, 83rd Infantry Division, at Langlir, Belgium, 11-12 January 1945" (Ardennes Campaign)
Barker, Arthur C. CPT, "Infantry in Defense on a Wide Front"
Barker, John P. 1LT, "Operations of Company A, 349th Infantry, 88th Infantry Division, at the Town of Belvedere, Italy, 30 September - 2 October 1944" (North Apennines Campaign)
Barnes, Harry W. CPT, "Operations of the 1st Battalion, 358th Infantry, 90th Infantry Division, at Fort Koenigsmacher, North of Thionville, France, 9-11 November 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Barnes, John W. CPT, "Operations of Company G, 379th Infantry, 95th Infantry Division, in breaching the Maginot Line in the Vicinity of Fort Jeanne D'Arc, 14-15 November 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Barnum, Richard V. 1LT, "Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 511th Parachute Infantry, 11th Airborne Division, in the Advance through the Mahonag-Anas Pass to the West Coast of Leyte, 27 November - 25 December 1944" (Leyte Campaign)
Barraclough, Donald F. CPT, "Operations of Company F, 134th Infantry, 35th Infantry Division, in the Reduction of a Salient in the Vincinity of Han and Fossieux, France 29 September 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Barrett, Raymond MAJ, "Rifle Company in a Night Raid"
Barrios, Willie S.J. CPT, "Operations of Company F, 411th Infantry, 103rd Infantry Division, near Climbach, France, Alsace, 14 December 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Bartholomew, Howard L. MAJ, "Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 121st Infantry, 8th Infantry Division, in the attack on Pleutuit, France and Defense of an area outside of Pleurtuit, 7-12 August 1944" (Northern France Campaign)
Beachler, William C. MAJ, "Operations of Company C, 63rd Infantry, 6th Infantry Division, in the attack of the Shimbu Line, Mount Mataba, East of Manila, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 10-17 April 1945" (Luzon Campaign)
Beck, Bernard S. CPT, "Operations of the First United States Army in the St. Lo Breakthrough, 25 July 1944 to 1 August 1944" (Northern France Campaign)
Becker, Marshall O. MAJ, "Operations of the 77th Infantry Division (XXIV Corps) in the Ormoc Corridor, Leyte Island, 7 December 1944 - 5 February 1945" (Southern Philippines Campaign)
Beckner, David A. CPT, "Defensive Action in Inhabited Localities"
Beckner, John O. LTC, "Operations of the First U.S. Army and the Ninth U.S. Army in the Encirclement and Capture of the Ruhr 28 March - 18 April 1945"
Beeson, John J. III MAJ, "Operations of Company D, 104th Infantry, 26th Infantry Division, in the attack from Bettborn to Buschrodt, Luxembourg, 22-24 December 1944" (Ardennes-Alsace Campaign)
Behnke, Paul R. CPT, "Operations of the 2nd Battalion, 349th Infantry, 88th Infantry Division, in the breakthrough and Pursuit to the PO River, 15-24 April 1945"
Belisle, Maurice A. MAJ, "Operations of the 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, in the attack on the Hurtgen Forest, 16 November - 5 December 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Bell, Carl H. Jr. CPT, "Reconnaissance must be aggressive and continuous in order to provide up-to-date battlefield Information"
Bennett, James G. MAJ, "Crossing of the Rhine North of the Rhur, Operation Plunder, 23-28 March 1945" (Central Europe Campaign)
Berens, Robert J. CPT, "Infantry Attacking Across a River"
Bereuter, Robert L. MAJ, "Operations of the 27th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division, on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 10-26 January 1943" (Guadalcanal Campaign)
Berg, Joseph P. CPT, "United States and Guerrilla Warfare"
Berol, Alexander F. CPT, "Operations of Company L, 13th Infantry, 8th Infantry Division, in the attack on Duren, Germany, after the Crossing of the Roer River, 23-25 February 1945" (Rhineland Campaign)
Besbeck, Louis B. MAJ, "Operations of the 3rd Battalion 45th Infantry, Philippine Scouts, at the Hacienda at Mt. Natib, Luzon, 15-25 January 1942" (Bataan Campaign)
Bess, Clarence R. MAJ, "Operations of Service Company, 31st Infantry, Philippine Division, 5 January 1942 - 9 April 1942" (Philippine Island Campaign)
Betances-Ramirez, C. CPT, "Battle of Tunisia, April - May 1943"
Birkhead, Tom P. CPT, "Operations of Company A, 143rd Infantry, 36th Infantry Division, in the Capture and Defense of Rohrwiller, France, East of Bischwiller, France, 2-6 February 1945" (Rhineland Campaign)
Black, Harold CPT, "Operations of the 607th Field Artillery Battalion, 71st Infantry Division, in the Crossing of the Danube River East of Regensberg, Germany, 25-27 April 1945" (Central Europe Campaign)
Blackburn, Donald D. LTC, "Operations of the 11th Infantry, USAFIP, NL (P.A.) in the Capture of Mayoyao, Mt. Province, Luzon, P.I., 26 July - 8 August, 1945" (Luzon Campaign)
Blair, John D. CPT, "Operations of E Company, 381st Infantry, 96th Infantry Division, in the Attack and Consolidation of Positions on Kakazu West, Okinawa, 10-15 April 1945" (Ryukyus Campaign)
Blair, John H. CPT, "Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment, in the Landing on Corregidor, P.I., 16 February - 2 March 1945" (Luzon Campaign)
Blaney, Kermit B. CPT, "Operations of Company L, 21st Infantry, 24th Infantry Division, South of Pinamopoan, Breakneck Ridge, Leyte Island, P.I., 5-15 November 1944" (Leyte Campaign)
Bloch, Orville E. CPT, "Operations of the 2nd Battalion, 338th Infantry, 85th U.S. Infantry Division, in taking Mt. Della Formiche, Italy, 10-13 October 1944" (North Apennine Campaign)
Blount, John B. CPT, "Surprise, When Attained by Stealth, in an Unsupported, Non-Illuminated Night Attack is the Supremely Decisive Element in the Ultimate Success of the Mission" (World War II and Korean War incidences)
Blum, Charles K. 1LT, "Operations of the 3rd Platoon, Company E, 7th Infantry Regiment, Third Infantry Division, East of Ostheim, in the Colmar Pocket, Alsace, 22-23 January 1945" (Alsace Campaign)
Bogardus, Allan L. MAJ, "Operations of Company C, 291st Infantry, 75th Infantry Division, in the attack on the High Ground Outside Grand Halleux, Belgium, 15-16 January 1945" (Ardennes-Alsace Campaign)
Boleyn, John C. 1LT, "Japanese Expansion in the Pacific, 7 December 1941 - 12 September 1942"
Bolton, Cecil H. CPT, "Operations of the Weapon's Platoon, Company E, 413th Infantry Regiment, 104th Infantry Division, Night River Crossing of Mark River, Holland, 2nd November 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Bonifas, Arsene P. CPT, "Beachhead Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 381st Infantry, 96th Infantry Division, in the Assault of Okinawa, 1-4 April 1945" (Ryukyus Operation)
Bonta, James C. CPT, "Invasion of Pantelleria, 11 June 1943" (Sicilian Campaign)
Boyle, Charles T. CPT, "Operations of an Advance Command Post Party 411th Infantry, 103rd Infantry Division, in the vicinity of Marktwald, Germany, 27 April 1945"
Brandon, Thurman M. CPT, "North Apennines (Gothic Line) Campaign, August 1944-April 1945"
Brock, John A. MAJ, "Operations of the 363rd Infantry Regiment (91st Infantry Division, at Mount Monticelle, in the Gothic Line, with Emphasis on the Artillery Support of the 347th Field Artillery Battalion, 12-18 September, 1944" (North Apeninnes Campaign)
Brown, Bobbie E. CPT, "Operations of Company C, 18th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division, in the attack on Crucifix Hill, 8 October 1944 (Rhineland Campaign) Aachen Offensive"
Brown, Boyd L. CPT, "Operations of the Task Force Weaver (90th Infantry Division) in the Attack on Mayenne, France, 5-6 August 1944" (Northern France Campaign)
Bruce, Oliver H. MAJ, "Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 134th Infantry, 35th Infantry Division, in the attack on St. Lo, France, 15-18 July 1944" (Normandy Campaign)
Bruyere, Walter R. III MAJ, "Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 141st Infantry, 36th Infantry Division, in the attack on Herrlisheim, North of Strasbourg, Alsace, 1-3 February 1945" (Rhineland Campaign)
Bussolati, Emile J. CPT, "Operations of the 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 5th Infantry Division, in the Crossing of the Seille River and Subsequent, Attack on the Town of Louvigny, South of Metz, France, 9 November 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Butchart, John N. MAJ, "Operations of the 35th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division, in the Seizure of Digdig, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 23 February-5 March 1945" (Luzon Campaign)
Butler, Allen S. MAJ, "Operations of the First Infantry Division at El Guettar, 20-30 March 1943" (Tunisian Campaign)
Byers, Carl F. MAJ, "Operations of Company G, 395th Infantry, 99th Division, in the Reduction of a Fortified Position of the Siegfried Line, West of Schleiden, Germany, 14-15 December 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Calnan, William M. CPT, "Operations of the 3rd Platoon, Company C, 308th Engineer Combat Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division, as part of the 331st Infantry Regimental Combat Team, 83rd Infantry Division, in the attack to and Crossings of the Taute River, 10-27 July 1944" (Normandy Campaign)
Campana, Victor W. CPT, "Operations of the 2nd Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry, 82nd Airborne Division, in the German Counter-Offensive, 18 December 1944 - 10 January 1945" (Ardennes Campaign)
Campbell, Clark G. MAJ, "Operations of the First Battalion (Reinforced), 184th Infantry, 7th Infantry Division, in the Capture of Kwajalein Atoll, 13 January - 6 February 1944" (Eastern Mandates Campaign)
Canella, Charles J. MAJ, "Defense of Small Towns and Villages by Infantry: The Defense of Boos, France, by a ""Groupe France"", 7-8 June 1940; Defense of Schmidt, Germany, by the 3rd Battalion, 112th Infantry, 28th Division, 3-4 November 1944; Defense of Hofen, Germany, by the 3rd Battalion, 395th Infantry, 99th Division, 10 November-18 December 1944; Defense of Butzdorf and Tettingen, Germany, by the 1st Battalion, 376th Infantry, 94th Division, 14-18 January 1945"
Cann, W. Derwood CPT, "Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, at the Marshalling Area in England and Holland from 14-19 September 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Caple, Dayton F. 1LT, "Evacuation of Dunkirk, 28 May - 2 June 1940, Battle of Flanders"
Caprino, Charles T. CPT, "Operations of the 2nd Battalion, 306th Infantry, 77th Infantry Division, in the attack on Camp Downs, Leyte, Philippine Islands on 8 December 1944"
Carney, Daniel J. MAJ, "Operations of the 172nd Infantry, 43rd Infantry Division, in the Vicinity of Rosario, Luzon, Philippines Islands, 15-29 January 1945" (Luzon Campaign)
Carpenter, Irvin F. MAJ, "Operations of the 3rd Infantry Division in the Crossing of the Rhine River, 26-29 March 1945 (Central Operations of the 3rd Infantry Division, VI Corps, Seventh United States Army, in the Crossing of the Meurthe River and the Breakout from the Vosges Mountains, 20-27 November 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Carruth, James E. CPT, "Operations of Company A, 302nd Engineer Combat Battalion, 77th Infantry Division, on Leyte, 21 December 1944 - 5 January 1945" (Southern Philippines Campaign)
Carter, Daniel M. MAJ, "Operations of the 899th Tank Destroyer Battalion, attached to the 4th Infantry Division, for the Normandy Peninsula" (Normandy Campaign)
Chenault, Theodore CPT, "Operations of the 7th Infantry Division in the Capture of Kwajalein Atoll, 31 January - 5 February 1944" (Eastern Mandates Campaign)
Chin, Wah G. CPT, "Operations of the Y-Force Operations Staff, U.S. Army, in the Salween Campaign, Yunnan, China, 10 May 1944 - 20 January 1945" (China Offensive)
Clark, Theodore S. MAJ, "Invasion of Mindanao Island, 10 March - 10 July 1945" (Southern Philippine Campaign)
Cundiff, Ellsworth MAJ, "Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 179th Infantry, 45th Infantry Division, 13-14 July 1943, south of Grammicele, Siciliy"
Dadisman, Chester E. CPT, "Operations of the 1st Battalion, 376th Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, in the SAAR-Moselle Triangle at Tettingen, Butzdorf, Southwest of Trier, Germany, 14-18 January 1945" (Ardennes-Alsace Campaign)
Dailey, Howard M. CPT, "Algiers Operation, 8-11 November 1942"
Dalton, John J. MAJ, "Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 10th Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division, in the SAAR Valley, vicinity of Ludweiler, Germany, 3-5 December 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Dameron, Ernest C. MAJ, "Operations of the 307th Infantry, 77th Division, in the Capture of the Island of Leyte , 1-21 December 1944" (Leyte Campaign)
Daniels, Robert J. LTC, "Operations of the 24th Infantry Division in the Invasion of Mindanao, Philippine Islands, 17 April-11 August 1945, with emphasis on G-1 Activities" (Southern Philippines Campaign)
Danley, Earl E. CPT, "Operations of Company H, 350th Infantry, 88th Infantry Division, at Mountermumici, South of Bologna, Italy, 15-18 April 1945" (Po Valley Campaign)
Darden, James R. CPT, "Operations of the 1st Division in the Landing and Establishment of the Beachhead of Omaha Beach, 6-10 June 1944" (Normandy Campaign)
Dudley, Eldridge C. CPT, "Operations of Company K, 334th Infantry, 84th Infantry Division, near Prummern, Germany during the November Offensive, 23-24 November 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Dunn, John J. MAJ, "Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 5307 Composite Unit (Provisional) in the Battle of Myitkyina, Burma, 27 July - 3 August 1944"
Eney, John K. MAJ, "Operations of the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional) "Merrill's Marauders," at Walawbum, Burma, 2-7 March 1944" (India-Burma Campaign)
English, R.O. MAJ, "Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 17th Infantry, 7th Infantry Division, in the Attack of a Ridge Nose, Attu Island, 21-22 May 1943" (Aleutian Campaign)
Evans, Robert H. CPT, "Operations of Company G, 327th Glider Infantry, 101st Airborne Division, in Holland, 18 September - 15 October 1944"
Fair, Felder L. CPT, "Operations of Company B, 26th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division, in the Reduction of Enemy Positions in the Harz Mountains, 17-18 April 1945"
Flash, Edward T. 1LT, "Operations of the 2nd Battalion, 503rd Parachute Infantry Regimental Combat Team in the Recapture of Corregidor Island, 16 February - 23 February 1945" (Luzon Campaign)
Frazier, Sydney F. CPT, "Operations of the 48th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division, in the Crossing of the Seine River, 24 August 1944" (Northern France Campaign)
Freakley, Edwin M. 1LT, "Operations of the 1st Battalion, 310th Infantry, 78th Infantry Division, in the Crossing of the Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen, Germany, and the expansion, of the Bridgehead, 7-17 March 1945" (Rhineland Campaign)
Gregorian, Robert R. CPT, "Operations of the Regimental Maintenance Section Service Company, 2nd Infantry, 5th Infantry Division, Normandy and Northern France Campaign, 9 July-3 August 1944"
Griffin, James C. CPT, "New Guinea Campaign, 24 January 1943 - 31 December 1944"
Hard, William H. MAJ, "Operations of the 10th Mountain Division on Monte Belvedere, 18-26 February 1945" (North Appenines Campaign)
Heil, George J. MAJ, "Operation of Company F, 16th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division, at El Guettar, Tunisia, 29 March 1943" (Tunisian Campaign)
Hensley, Emery M. CPT, "First Volturno River Crossing, 7 October - 15 October 1943" (Naples-Foggia Campaign)
Hewette, James B. CPT, "Operations of Company K, and the 3rd Battalion, 184th Infantry, 7th Infantry Division, on Okinawa, 1 April-22 June 1945" (Ryukyu Campaign)
Hinckley, Homer C. MAJ, "Chinese Service of Supply in Direct Support of the Chinese Armies, 6 May-2 September 1945" (The Chinese Offensive)
Hoile, John D. CPT, "Operations of Company K, 242nd Infantry, 42nd Infantry Division, in an Attack in the Hardy Mountains, Alsace, France, 14-15 March 1945" (Rhineland Campaign)
Houser, Harold H. MAJ, "Operations of Company B, 232nd Infantry, 42nd Infantry Division, in the Defense of the Rhine River, North of Strasbourg, Alsace, 24 December 1944-18 January 1945" (Rhineland Campaign)
Howe, Louis W. LT, "Operations of Company G, 385th Infantry, 76th Infantry Division, in the Attack Against Pillboxes of the Siegfried Line Near Minden, Germany, 19-23 February 1945" (Rhineland Campaign)
Hughes, Clyde E. CPT, "Conquest of Okinawa, 1 April-21 June 1945" (Okinawa Campaign)
Inman, Lloyd J. CPT, "Operation of Company B, 363rd Infantry, 91st Infantry Division, in the Attack on Mount Monticelli, Italy, 14-18 September 1944" (North Apennines Campaign)
Irby, Pierce B. Jr. CPT, "Operations of Company L, 321st Infantry, 81st Infantry Division, in the Capture of the Island of Peleliu, 23-29 September 1944" (Western Pacific Campaign)
Irwin, Walter G. CPT, "Operations of Company E, 517th Parachute Infantry Combat Team, in a River Crossing and Attack at La Roquette, France, 27-28 Aug. 1944" (Southern France Campaign)
Johnson, Charles C. CPT, "Operations of Cannon Company, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division, on Leyte, P.I., 20-25 October 1944" (Leyte Campaign)
Johnson, Kenneth L. CPT, "Supply Operations of the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, in the Invasion of Holland, Arnheim Operation, 15-19 September 1944 (Rhineland Campaign)"
Jones, Alan W. CPT, "Operations of the 423rd Infantry, 106th Infantry Division, in the Vicinity of Schonberg during the Battle of the Ardennes, 16-19 December 1944" (Ardennes-Alsace Campaign)
Jones, Bruce B. MAJ, "Invasion of Mindanao Island, 10 March-10 July 1945"
Jones, Erwin B. MAJ, "Operations of the 2nd Battalion, 350th Infantry, 88th Division, in Clearing a Regimental Supply Route to Roccasecca, Italy, 21-25 May 1944" (Rome-Arno Campaign)
Jones, George W. CPT, "Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 313th Infantry, 79th Infantry Division, in Alsace, 8-9 December 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Jones, Randolph L. MAJ, "Operations of Company K, 398th Infantry, 100th Infantry Division, in the Vicinity of Hill 578, Overlooking Moyenmoutier, France, 19-21 November 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Jordan, Edward E. CPT, "Operations of the 1st Battalion, 473rd Infantry Regiment, Separate, in the Attack Up the Italian Coast, 8-15 April 1945" (Po Valley Campaign)
Jordan, George B. MAJ, "Operations of 2nd Squadron, 124th Cavalry Regiment Special in the Battle of Knight's Hill, 29 January-2 February 1945"
Joseph, John T. CPT, "Operations of a Regimental Pathfinder Unit, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, in Normandy, France, 6 June 1944" (Normandy Campaign)
Jost, Harry F. CPT, "Airborne Operations in Sicily, July 1943"
Kane, Charles F. MAJ, "Operation Overlord: Plans and Preparations to 5 June 1944"
Kane, Michael Jr. CPT, "Operations of the 20th Infantry, 6th Infantry Division, at Munoz, Luzon, Philippine Islands 30 January-8 February 1945. (Luzon Campaign)"
Kapp, Ronald A. MAJ, "Operations of the 3rd Infantry Division in the First Crossing of the Volturno River, 12-14 October 1943" (Naples-Foggia Campaign)
Keaveny, Jerry V. CPT, "Operations of Company A, 322nd Infantry, 81st Infantry Division, in the Clean Up Phase of the Capture of the Island of Angaur, 11-22 October 1944" (Western Pacific Campaign)
Kederich, Charles H. CPT, "Operations of Company C, Reinforced, 126th Infantry, 32nd Infantry Division, in a Separate Action in the Agno Valley, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 30 July-6 August 1945" (Luzon Campaign)"
Keegan, Christopher R. CPT, "Operations of the 2nd Battalion, 442nd Infantry, Attached to the 34th Infantry Division, in the Pursuit to the Arno in the Vicinity of Suvereto, Italy, 26th June 1944 (Rome-Arno Campaign)
Kemm, Robert R. MAJ, "Operations of the 101st Airborne Division in the Airborne Invasion of the Netherlands, 17 September-27 September 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Kemman, Lawrence H. LTC, "Operations of the 2nd Battalion, 309th Infantry, the 2nd Battalion, 310th Infantry, 78th Infantry Division, in the Attack on Kesternich, Germany, 14-15 December 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Kent, Frederick T. MAJ, "Operations of the 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, in the Hurtgen Forest, Germany, 16 November-3 December 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Kepple, Charles D. LTC, "Operations of the 32nd Division in the Capture of Buna, 18 November 1942-2 January 1943" (Papuan Campaign)
Kidd, Giles H. MAJ, "Operations of the 37th Infantry Division in the Crossing of the Pasig River and Closing to the Walls of Intramuros, Manila, 7-9 February 1945" (Luzon Campaign)
Kinslow, Albert V. CPT, "Operations of the 1st Battalion, 379th Infantry, 95th Infantry Division, Saarlautern, Germany, 2-6 December 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Komosa, Adam A. CPT, "Airborne Operation, 504th Parachute Infantry Regimental C/T, 82nd Airborne Division, Sicily, 9 July - 19 August, 1943"
Lekson, John S. MAJ, "Operations of the 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry, 82nd Airborne Division, in the Capture of Altavilla, Italy, 13 September-19 September 1943" (Naples-Foggia Campaign)
Levasseur, Armand R. CPT, "Operations of the 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division, During the Initial Penetration of the Siegfried Line in the Vicinity of Nutheim, Germany, 13-20 September 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
McLaughlin, John N. MAJ, "Operations of the 1st Marine Division at Peleliu Palau Islands, 15 September-30 October 1944" (Western Pacific Campaign)
Monsarrat, George G. CPT, "Operations of Company C, (Reinforced) 6th Ranger Infantry Battalion, in the Liberation of Allied Prisoners of War, at Pangatian Prison, in the Vicinity of Cabanatuan, 28-31 January 1945" (Luzon Campaign)
Moon, William P. Jr. MAJ, "Operations of the 1st Battalion, 422nd Infantry, 106th Infantry Division, in the Battle of the Bulge, in the vicinity of Schlausenbach, Germany, 10-19 December 1944" (Ardennes-Alsace Campaign)
Morrissey, Stephen B. MAJ, "Operations of Company L, 26th Infantry, First Division, in the Night Raid on Maknassy, 17 December 1942" (Tunisia Campaign)
O'Halloran, John T. CPT, "Operations of the 1st Platoon, Company B, 401st Glider Infantry, 101st Airborne Division, in the Battle of Bastogne, Belgium, 25 December 1944" (Ardennes-Alsace Campaign)
Phillips, John D Jr CPT, "Operations of the 1st Battalion, 141st Infantry (36th Infantry Division) crossing the Moselle River near Remiromont, 20-21 September 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Porter, John D. 1LT, "Operations of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in the Vosges Mountains, 29 September - 20 November 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Raibl, Tony J. CPT, "Operations of the 82nd Airborne Division Artillery, 82nd Airborne Division, in the Airborne Landings Near St. Mere Eglise, France, 6-8 June 1944" (Normandy Campaign)
Ralph, Stephen V. CPT, "Operations of the 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division, in the Invasion of North Africa, Oran, Algeria, 8-11 November 1942" (Algeria-French Morocco Campaign)
Raudstein, Knut H. MAJ, "Operations of the 101st Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry, 101st Airborne Division, in the Vicinity of Carentan, 6-8 June 1944" (Normandy Campaign)
Shi, James D. Jr. CPT, "Defensive Operation of the 3rd Battalion, 157th Infantry, 45th Infantry Division, along the Moletta River Line, Northwest of Anzio, Italy, 7-8 February 1944" (Anzio Campaign)
Smith, Bill G. CPT, "Operations of the 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion, attached to the 82nd Airborne Division and the 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment, in the attack in the vicinity of Trois Ponts, Belgium, 2-7 January 1945" (Ardennes Campaign)
Smith, Edwin K. Jr. MAJ, "Operation of the Anti-Tank Platoon, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 1st Division, at El Ancor, 8-11 November 1942" (Algeria-French Morocco Campaign)
Smith, Herald H. LTC, "Operations of the 148th Infantry Regiment, 37th Infantry Division, at Manila, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 9 January-3 March 1945" (Luzon Campaign)
Thompson, Howell B. CPT, "Operations of the 409th Infantry Regiment, 103rd Infantry Division, from Bouxwiller, France, to Klingenmunster, Germany, 14-23 March 1945" (Rhineland Campaign)
Thompson, Shelden L. CPT, "Operations of Task Force Baum, 4th Armored Division, Between Aschaffenburg and Hammelburg, Germany, 27-28 March 1945" (Central European Campaign)
Tomlin, John W. Jr. CPT, "Occupation of Crete, 20 May-30 May 1941"
Van Dusen, Roy R. CPT, "Operations of the 2nd Battalion and 3rd Battalion. 65th Regiment, 22nd Chinese Division, in the Battle for Taro, 29 Dec 1943- 30 Jan 1944" (India-Burma Campaign)
Vering, Joseph F. MAJ, "Operations of the 382nd Infantry, 96th Infantry Division, in the Penetration of the Japanese Naha-shuri-Yonabaru Line, on Okinawa, 10 May to 31 May 1945" (Ryukus Campaign)
Waters, Martin J. Jr. CPT, "Operations of a Provisional OSS Platoon, Night Reconnaissance Operations, the Arakan Coast, Burma, Oct. 1944-April 1945" (India-Burma Campaign)
Waters, Robert L. MAJ, "Operations of the 88th and 89th Regiments, 30th Chinese Division, at Myitkyina, Burma, 26 May-3 August 1944" (India-Burma Campaign)
Wills, Lloyd E. CPT, "Operations of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, in Holland 17 September to 9 October 1944" (Rhineland Campaign)
Wright, David B. CPT, "Operations of the 1st Battalion, 110th Infantry, 28th Infantry Division, in the Vicinity of Hinercheid and Marnach, Luxembourg, 16-18 December 1944" (Ardennes-Alsace Campaign)