Vietnam War: MACV Command Army Activities SE Reports (1969-1972)7,650 pages of MACV Command Army Activities SE Reports dating from January 3, 1968 to December 20, 1972.
These 83 MACV (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam) Command Army Activities SE Reports of graphical data, were published on a weekly and bi-weekly basis. Some of the reports were not declassified until 2006.
The Army Activities Report: SE Asia (AARSEA) was published until 20 December 1972. This report, formerly entitled the "Army Build-Up Progress Report," was published continuously since 11 August 1965, to provide timely information in a convenient form to the Secretary of the Army, the Chief of Staff, and key Department of the Army officials. It also served as a management information document for the Army Staff, the Joint Staff, and other agencies and commands concerned with its content.
The objective of the report was to portray progress in fulfilling US Army mission in Southeast Asia, primarily in the areas of: Support of US Army and Free World Military Armed Forces operations. Vietnamization, including improvement and modernization programs for the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces. Government of the Republic of Vietnam programs to improve security and development. Preparation for and execution of phasedowns, reductions in force, and redeployments from Vietnam. Key items of interest regarding the KHMER Republic and Laos.
The reports contain data covering development and redeployment of forces in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN).
Data is broken down by Selected Units in RVN by Type, Locations of Major Units in RVN, Listing of Selected Units in RVN, Locations of Selected Units and Installations in Thailand, Free World Military Forces Structure and Strength, US Forces Strengths — SE Asia and Personnel Strength in RVN, Repetitive Involuntary Vietnam Tours, MACV Command Relationships.
The reports give detail of support in South-East Asia by functional categories such as: Supply and Distribution, Maintenance, LOC Restoration Program RVN, Construction Funding, Funds, US Army Aircraft Activity in SE Asia, RDTE in Support of RVN Operation and Other Significant Items.
Republic of Vietnam Air Force data such as: ARVN and VNMC Unit Location, NVA/VC Strengths and Unit Location, Selected RVNAF and Paramilitary Forces Structure and Activations, RVNAF and Paramilitary Force Strength, RVNAF Officer Strengths and Promotion, ARVN Operational Effectiveness, RVNAF Desertions and Pacification.
U.S. support of Republic of Vietnam Air Force data such as: US Army Advisory Program, VNAF English Language and ARVN On-the-Job Training, VNAF Pilot Training and US Army Equipment Support for RVNAF Improvement and Modernization Programs.
Support of other Forces: Khmer Training, Military Assistance Program - Cambodia, Status of US Army Material Grant Aid Program - Laos.